An Act to prevent the Exporting of Trash, or bad Tobacco.
Whereas, by an Act of Assembly entituled, An Act for amending
the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's Cus-
toms, and for the Limitation of Officers Fees, it was among other
Things enacted and declared, " That it was the true Intent and
Meaning of the said Act, that nothing therein contained should
affect any Tobacco that was made at any Time before the first Day
of December, One thousand seven hundred and forty-seven; but
that the same might be shipped, or otherwise disposed of, as the
Proprietor thereof should think proper; Oath, or Affirmation if a
Quaker, being made by the Proprietor of such old Tobacco, or Over-
seer, or other credible Person, that the same was made before the
said first Day of December, One thousand seven hundred and forty-
seven; which Oath or Affirmation might be made before any one
Justice of the Peace, and such Justice giving Certificate of the Mark
and Number of the Hogshead or Hogsheads of such old Tobacco,
the same might be taken on board any Ship or Vessel for Transpor-
tation, notwithstanding any Thing in the said Act contained: Yet
the Proprietor of such old Tobacco might, if he thought fit, have the
same old Tobacco inspected, or subjected to Inspection, as the said
Act directs, and in such Case he should have and receive all Benefits
and Advantages arising to the Owner of Inspected Tobacco, in Man-
ner therein before mentioned." And whereas it appears to this
General Assembly, that sundry evil-minded Persons have, since the
making the said Act, saved, bought, and, under colour of' it's being
old Tobacco, actually exported, and now do openly and publicly
save and buy up, bad, trash, and unsound Tobacco, with the same
View; which Practices, so plainly tending to frustrate all the good
and salutary Effects intended by the said Act, if not immediately
remedied, must prove of very dangerous Consequence to the People
of this Province.
No. 1