To his Excellency the Governor & the Honble her Majestys Council
in Assembly
In Answer whereto the following sent by Kenelmn Cheseldine
By his Excellency the Governor & Council in Assembly
28 September 1708.
Mr Speaker Tho we are well Satisfied it is her Majestys Pre-
rogative to appoint Proper Officers to attend the Assembly and that
you have no Right to the Election of any but what shall be approved
of by this Board we are willing rather than the Countrys Business
should be delayed to Admit of the Clerk nominated by you Pro hac
Vice (salvo jure) but resent it that you Rejected the Clerk ap-
pointed by his Excellency without giving any Reason
Signed p Order Evan Jones Ct Council
Col Good and Captain Franklyn from the house enter the Council
& deliver his Excellency the following Message.
By the House of Delegates 28 September 1708