By his Excellency the Governor and Council in Assembly
26 April 1700
Since the house have offered Mr William Taylard to be their Clerk
his Excellency is Pleased to say that he does approve of him to be a
fit & qualified Person for the Execution of that Office and if the
house will dispence with his Service in Regard of his being one of
their Members he is willing to Commissionate him.
Signed p Order W: Bladen Ct. Coun.
Then came Mr William Hutchinson with four more of the Dele-
gates & say the House Return their hearty Thanks to his Excellency
for his Condescension and signify the houses willingness to dispence
with the Service of their Member and Intreate his Excellency to
Commissionate him to be their Clerk
Mr William Taylard sworn Clerk of the house of Delegates took
the Oaths Subscribed the Test and Association
In May Assembly 1701 Came Mr Samuel Young and Mr George
Muschamp from the house who present Mr William Taylard to his
Excellency desiring he may be Commissionated Clerk of their house,
which his Excellency is Pleased to Approve of.
Accordingly the same Mr Taylard took the Oaths appointed by
Act of Parliament instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy
and the Oath of Clerk of the house of Delegates, likewise subscribed
the Test & Association
U. H. J.
Liber No. 34
May 24