Whereas it appears to this present General Assembly, that it is
necessary a Quantity of Tobacco should be raised for the repairing
and finishing of Prince George's County Court-House, situate at
Marlborough ;
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the Jus-
tices of the County aforesaid, at the Time of their next taxing their
County Levy, to raise upon such of the taxable Inhabitants of the
same County, as shall remain and be in that Part of it which will be
the same County after Frederick County becomes a distinct one, and
that Part of it, which is by a Bill passed this Session, added to
Charles County, a Quantity of Tobacco, not exceeding Fifty four
thousand Pounds of Tobacco, exclusive of the Sheriff's Salary
thereon, and the same to apply to the repairing and finishing the said
And whereas the last Year the Magistrates of said County as-
sessed upon the Taxables thereof Eight Pounds of Tobacco per
Head, in order to repair the same Court-House, and have since
contracted for the finishing the same Work, and actually ordered
the Sheriff to pay the same to the Person who undertook to do it ;
which Tobacco the Inhabitants of the said County are charged with
by the Sheriff of the said County in their several Accompts, and
some of them have actually paid the same ;
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall
and may be lawful for the said Sheriff to proceed to collect and
[Justices to
levy Tobacco
for repairing