154 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
Liber B. L. C.
missioners for Charles-Town aforesaid, further pray, that foras-
much as the public Stock of the said Town is at present exhausted,
by building the aforesaid Wharf, and a large public Granary, that
the said Commissioners, or those for the Time being, or the major
Part of them, may be impowered, in like Manner as the Justices of
each respective County are impowered by the said Act, to draw
from the said Trustees of the Loan-Office, a Sum, in Bills of Credit,
sufficient to build the said inspecting House only, the Ground and
Wharf being already provided; and that the said Commissioners, or
those for the Time being, may receive such Rent as is appointed by
the said Act to be paid to the Justices aforesaid, and to repay the
same to the said Trustees, in the same Manner as the said Justices
by the said Act are required and directed, and that when the said
Sum shall be repayed into the Loan-Office, that then the Rents and
Profits arising from the same, shall be paid to the Commissioners
of the said Town for the Time being, and be by them applied to the
Benefit of the Public of the said Town only, and to be accounted for
by the said Commissioners as is directed by other Acts relating to
the said Town. All which are thought by this General Assembly to
be just and reasonable;
Be it therefore enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Commissioners of Charles-Town
for the Time being, or the major Part of them, be and are hereby
[Money to
be taken out
of the Loan
Office to
build an
House in
impowered to draw out of the Loan-Office, and from the Trustees,
in the same Manner as Justices are directed by the last mentioned
Act, a Sum, in Bills of Credit, not exceeding Sixty Pounds, for the
building an inspecting House only, on the public Ground at Charles-
Town, and convenient to the Wharf that is already built: And that
the Trustees of the Loan-Office be under the same Obligation to pay
the aforesaid Sum of Money to the Commissioners aforesaid for
the Time being, or the major Part of them, as they are under by the
said Act, to pay the Justices when they shall cause the Houses to be
built: And also that the said Commissioners of Charles-Town for
the Time being, may receive such Rent as is appointed to be paid by
the said recited Act, and that they repay into the Loan-Office, the
Sum of Money aforesaid, to be by them taken out for building the
said inspecting House, in the same Manner as Justices are directed
to pay in any Sums by them to be taken out; but that after the Sum
aforesaid to be taken out of the Loan-Office as aforesaid, by the
Commissioners aforesaid, or the major Part of them, be returned
and paid into the Loan-Office, that then the Rents and Profits that
shall arise from such inspecting House, shall be paid to the said
Commissioners for the Time being, and be by them applied to the
Benefit of the Public of the said Town only, and to no other Use,