152 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
Liber B. L. C.
tion of the
ship's Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
and the Authority of the same, That the said County Commission-
ers or Magistrates, nor any of them, shall construe or explain the
Words Public Charges of their respective Counties, mentioned in
the said recited Act, which they are impowered to levy and raise
Tobacco for, to extend to any other Purposes than the ordinary,
usual and necessary Charges annually arising in their said several
and respective Counties.
p. 455
And whereas it may frequently [be] necessary to make Repairs to
Court-Houses, Prisons and Bridges, within the several and respec-
tive Counties of this Province, as well as to erect and build new and
convenient Bridges for the common Benefit and Advantage of the
Inhabitants ;
limited in
for the
of their
Be it Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid.
That it shall and may be lawful for the Justices of the said several
and respective Counties, to levy and raise upon the taxable Inhabi-
tants within their said several Counties, for the making, compleat-
ing and finishing the necessary small Repairs to Court-Houses,
Prisons and Bridges, and for the erecting and building new and
convenient Bridges when and as often as Occasion shall require, any
Quantity or Quantities of Tobacco not exceeding the Sum of Ten
thousand Pounds of Tobacco at any one Time, for the full and com-
pleat repairing of any one County Court-House, and not exceeding
the Sum of Six thousand Pounds of Tobacco at any one Time, for
the full and necessary Repairs for any one County Prison, and not
exceeding the Sum of Eight thousand Pounds of Tobacco at any
one Time, for the full and compleat repairing of any one Bridge, and
not exceeding the Sum of Twenty thousand Pounds of Tobacco for
the erecting and building of any one new Bridge in any one County
whatsoever; but that in all and every Case where any larger Sum
or Sums of Tobacco, than what are herein before limited and ex-
pressed, shall or may be adjudged necessary and requisite by the
said several and respective County Justices, to and for any the
Uses and Purposes aforesaid, it shall not be lawful for the said
several and respective County Justices, nor any of them, to levy or
raise any such larger Sum or Sums of Tobacco so adjudged neces-
sary or requisite as aforesaid, upon the taxable Inhabitants of their
said several Counties, without having first had and obtained Leave
or License for their so doing from the General Assembly of this
Province for the Time being.
may be
Provided always, That it shall and may be lawful for the several
and respective Inhabitants to pay and discharge the said several and
respective Sums of Tobacco, so to be levied and raised to and for
the Uses aforesaid, in Current Money, in the same Manner as they
are enabled to pay and discharge the Public or County Levy.