Acts. 151
Master, Owner or Overseer for and during the Space of one Hour
or longer, it shall and may be lawful for any Magistrate, and he is
hereby required, upon Complaint to him made, immediately to issue
his Warrant against such Servant or Slave so harbouring or enter-
taining as aforesaid, and upon satisfactory Proof of such harbour-
ing or entertaining, to punish the Offender or Offenders by Whip-
ping with such Number of Stripes, on the bare Back, as to him shall
seem proper, not exceeding thirty-nine for any one Offence.
Liber B. L. C.
And be it further Enacted, That the several Sheriff's of this
Province shall read this Act on the Wednesday in each respective
County Court, in full Court, having first given publick Notice of
such Reading by Proclamation, at the several Ordinaries or Houses
of Entertainment near to the Court-House, on pain of forfeiting
Five hundred Pounds of Tobacco for every Omission or Neglect, to
be recovered and applyed as aforesaid.
to read this
Act every
This Act to continue for three Years, and to the End of the next
Session of Assembly which shall happen after the Expiration of
three Years.
June 10th 1748
Read & Assented to by
the Lower House of As-
Signed p Order
M Macnemara Cl lo ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this Be a Law
Sam: Ogle
the Great Seal in
wax appendant
10th June 1748
Read and Assented to
by the Upper House of
Signed p Order
J Ross Cl Up Ho.
An additional and explanatory Act to the Act entituled, An Act
impowering the Commissioners of the County Courts to levy and
raise Tobacco to defray the necessary Charges of their Counties
and Parishes.
No. 20
Whereas by an Act of Assembly of this Province, Entituled, An
Act impowering the Commissioners of the County Courts to levy
and raise Tobacco to defray the necessary Charges of their Coun-
ties and Parishes, made at a Session of Assembly begun and held
at the Town and Port of Annapolis, the Fifth Day of September,
in the Year of our Lord, One thousand seven hundred and four,
the several and respective Commissioners of the several and respec-
tive County Courts within this Province, at their several and respec-
tive County Courts, to be held for their said Counties, upon Exami-
nation had before them of the public Charges of their several and
respective Counties, and Allowances by them made of the same, are
impowered to levy and raise Tobacco for Payment and Satisfaction
of the several and respective County Charges, and the Sheriff's
Salary for Collection thereof, by an equal Assessment of the tax-
able Persons of the said several Counties ;
It is hereby Declared and Enacted by the Right Honourable the
Lord Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lord-