122 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
Liber B. L. C.
No. 2
An Act impowering the Justices of Kent County to assess and levy
on the taxable Inhabitants of Shrewsbury Parish in the said
County, a Sum not exceeding Eight thousand Pounds of Tobacco,
for the Uses therein mentioned.
Whereas the Rector, Vestrymen and Church-Wardens of the
Upper Hundred of Shrewsbury Parish in Kent County, have, by
their humble Petition to this present General Assembly, set forth,
That, as the said Parish is so greatly increased as to render their
Attendance at the Parish Church greatly inconvenient, they have,
with the Assistance of the Rector, at their own Expence, erected and
built, in the upper Part of the said Parish, the Shell of a Chapel of
Ease, for the Convehiency of the said upper Part; but many of the
Petitioners being new Settlers, are unable to raise a Sum sufficient
to finish and compleat the same; wherefore they pray that a Sum,
not exceeding Eight thousand Pounds of Tobacco, may be assessed
and levied on the taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish, to be applied
towards the finishing and compleating the said Chapel, and that the
same may be declared a Chapel of Ease ;
[Kent Coun-
ty Justices to
levy 8000 wt.
Tobacco, for
finishing a
p. 435
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Justices of Kent County for the
Time being, shall be, and they are hereby authorized and directed,
at their Court to be held at next November, to assess and levy, on
the taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish of Shrewsbury, a Sum,
not exceeding Eight thousand Pounds of Tobacco, exclusive of the
Sheriff's Salary of Five per Cent, for Collection thereof; which Sum
so assessed and levied, shall be collected by the Sheriff of Kent
County aforesaid, who shall, and he is hereby required to pay the
same to the Rector, Vestry, and Church-Wardens of the said Par-
ish for the Time being, or their Order, to be by them applied towards
finishing and compleating the Chapel aforesaid.
[The Chapel
to be at-
tended every
And be it further Enacted, That the Chapel so as aforesaid fin-
ished and compleated, shall be, and it is hereby declared to be,
deemed and taken, as a Chapel of Ease to the said Parish of Shrews-
bury; and that the Minister or Incumbent, for the Time being of
Shrewsbury Parish, shall, and he is hereby required and obliged to
attend and perform divine Service at the said Chapel of Ease, every
third Sunday, unless prevented by Sickness, or some other reason-
able Cause of Excuse.
May 28th 1748
Read & Assented to by
the Lower House of As-
Signed p Order
M. Macnemara Cl lo ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this be a Law
Sam: Ogle
the Great Seal in
wax appendt
28th May 1748
Read & Assented to by
the Upper House of As-
Signed p Order
J Ross Cl. Up. Ho.