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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 109   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 109

By the Committee appointed by the Honble the Lower House of
Assembly, to inspect into the Truth of the Facts set forth in the
Case of Jonas Green printer, June 8. 1748. Your Committee do find,
that in the year 1738, A Bill passed both Houses, allowing him the
said Green ten Pounds Currant Money for each County. Your Com-
mittee further find that in May 1739, A Bill passed both Houses,
allowing the said Green fifteen pounds for each County; The Mo-
tives that induced the Honble House to make the accession to his
Salary five pounds more at that Time, is humbly submitted to the
Consideration of the House and we Likewise find, in September
Session 1742 among the proceedings on the Journal for that year,
the following Entry, Viz. The Question was put Whether Jonas
Green shall be allowed, in full Consideration of all Services he did
for the Country, and Disapointments met with before the Act passed
in his favour, in July 1740 took place. Resolved, That the allowance
be one hundred and twenty pounds, and that the same be allowed in
the Journal of Accounts. All which is humbly submitted to the Con-
sideration of your Honourable House.
Signed per order Wm Wilkins, Clerk.
On reading the aforesaid report, the Question was put, Whether
Jonas Green shall be allowed 120£ currant Money or 180£ Currant
Money. Resolved, That he be allowed 180£ Currant Money.
The Governor communicated to Mr Speaker the following Mes-
sage; Viz. Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly. I Trans-
mitted your Address dated the 22d of June last about the Arms &c.
Supplied out of our Magazine for his Majesty's Service to the Lord
proprietary by the first Opportunity after I received it; and I have
the pleasure to tell you that his Lordship applied to the Secretary at
War, who promised his Lordship that the Province should be
allowed for them
Sam. Ogle.
The House adjourned untill Two of the Clock in the afternoon.

Post Meridiem

The House met according to Adjournment &c. Capt Tilghman
hath Leave of the House to go home Mr Smith from the Committee
of Elections and privileges, delivers to Mr Speaker the following
report; Viz
By the Committee of Election and privileges, June 8. 1748 were
present Mr Walter Smith, Mr Thomas Worthington, Mr Byne Small-
wood, Mr John Goldsborough, Col. George Dashiel
Your Committee having inspected the Writ directed to the Sheriff
of Charles County to elect a Member to Serve in this present Gen-
eral Assembly, do find by the Indenture thereunto Annexed, that
Mr William Middleton, of the County aforesaid, is duly returned

L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
June 8

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 109   View pdf image (33K)
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