September 6
had I now the money, it might be procured at that price, and some
people are willing to take the new Money at 40 for 1 others again
will not contract in that way they think where they have contracted
heretofore in Continental Money their Creditors will not receive it
of them but Dollar for Dollar; I fear it will be some time before it
gets into general Circulation. I will however endeavour to make
my Contracts in it in the way you direct. I have already contracted
for an hundred head of Cattle at £90 pr hundred which is agreeable
to the Price allowed by the Assembly to those who choose to pay
Beef on the Hoof in lieu of the 28th of Tobacco tax at which rate
according to your former directions I had advertised to receive it,
you now direct me to give 5 1/2 Dollars new Money which at 40 for I
is equal to £82...10 the People generally knowing the Price allowed
by the Assembly will not take under the £90 am therefore under the
necessity of giving that price for what I purchase I think I shall be
able to purchase a larger number than I have already contracted for.
It will not be in my power to forward them untill I am furnished
with money to hire men for that purpose and for defraying the
necessary expences on the Journey must request you to supply me
as soon as you conveniently can with a sum sufficient for that pur-
pose and to comply with my Contracts.
The Bearer George McNamara a soldier inlisted by myself in the
first Troops raised by this State, he then inlisted for three years
in the Service of this State, when the Maryland Troops were ordered
to the Northward, as a part of the flying Camp, on my way to join
the Army this Man deserted from me at Philadelphia, He was taken
up here as a Deserter and committed to Jail, Coll Richardson hearing
of it examined the Man, found he had inlisted again in a Regiment
belonging to Virginia, from which Regiment he had received a dis-
charge on Account of sore legs and finding him to have very bad
legs he also give him a discharge, the Man has since lost that dis-
charge and Col. Richardson out of the Country, He prays your
Excellency would give him a proper discharge, it appears from a
Certificate of Col. Richardsons Clerk that he had given this man a
Upon Recollection this Man had sore Legs when he inlisted which
I did not discover at the time of his inlisting Doctr Troup is of the
opinion that the Mans Legs will never get well enough for him to do
the duty of a Soldier.
September 6
[Dan. Bowly Baltimore to the Honble. John Hawkins Stone Esqr,
President of Council]
Sir I am now to acknowledge receipt of both your favors of the
2d and 5th Instant: The intelligence they contain concerning the
State of the Enemy in our Bay, shall be communicated to the