557, 567, 608, 648; surrender
at York Town, 649, 651.
Barges, 129, 136, 4.32, 485, 538,
539, 544, 545, 562, 634, 671,
673. Confiscated and forfeited
property, 133, 326, 367, 448,
491, 510, 556, 573, 595. 599,
610, 677. Depredations by, 28,
43, 56, 77, 104, 113, 115, 125,
127, 129, 152, 155, 167, 173,
201, 217, 258, 324, 347, 361,
363, 3/2, 376, 378, 383, 389,
390, 393, 427, 428, 545, 673 ;
see also Chesapeake Bay.
Deserters, 276, 280, 316, 329.
German deserters to enlist
in French regiments, 187, 227,
238, 230. Flags, 218, 403.
Prisoners and Convention
Troops, i, 18, 37, 63, 64, 69,
71, IO2, 112, 114, 148, I5O, 157,
158, 160, 162, 199, 205, 210,
214, 227, 236-238, 244, 249, 250,
257, 258, 264, 267, 270, 273,
274, 277, 279, 299, 300-302, 305,
306, 309, 319-321, 337, 340. 353.
355, 357-359, 373-375, 3§5, 387-
404, 410, 411, 415,417, 423, 425-
428, 444, 454-457. 462, 495, 538,
545, 637, 659, 660, 662, 665,
670; see also Fort Frederick,
Frederick Town and Mur-
dock, George. Threatened in-
vasion of Md., 270, 271, 397,
454-456, 464, 465, 541-544, 550.
Vessels, 2, 28, 32, 59, 64, 67,
69, 70- 80. 110, ri3, 127, 128,
130, 161-163, 173, 182, 193,
208, 210, 234, 235, 248, 258,
273, 275-277, 323, 347, 350, 35i,
354. 355, 359-363. 372-374, 376,
381, 383, 385, 394, 395, 419,
420, 434, 439, 467-470, 539,
542, 554, 562, 651.
Brittaines, 97.
Brittingham, Samuel, 489;
Thomas, 48.
Broadcloth, 97, 143, 322.
Brodie, Capt, 64; George, 63.
Brogden, Wm., 224.
Brooke, Francis, 325; Roger,
604; Walter, 571.
Brookes (Brooks), —— . 320,
333, 493; Capt., 97; Maj., 643 ;
Benjamin, 509, 522; James,
230, 311, 353, 414; John, 267,
295, 299; John Smith, 26, 32,
40, 101, 208, 224, 258, 265, 270,
299, 302, 319, 324, 359, 376,
386, 470, 473, 498, 521, 522,
524, 539, 544, 545, 548, 562,
569, 577, 579, 602, 617, 647,
653; Walter, 654.
Broughton (Braughton, Bro-
ton), Joseph, 353, 577; Wm.,
299, 348.
Brown (Browne), Capt., 265,
266, 267, 202, 300-303. 310, 311,
319; Aquila, 77; Daniel, 629:
George, 566, 568; Henry, 662 ;
Jacob. 404, 412, 416; John, 77,
224, 661; Mathew, 146: Wil-
liam, 287, 296, 302, 310, 318,
322, 357.
Brown's Matrosses, 320, 321.
lirown's warehouse, 231.
Browning, William, 348.
Brownson, Nathan, 348, 349,
Bruce (Bruse), —— , 448 Capt.,
97; Col., 123, 179; Andrew,
293; Normond, 84; William,
268, 304, 405, 502, 628, 661.
Bruce's Mills, 448.
B ruff, —— , 438; Capt, 17;
Lieut, 97; Maj., 155; Chris-
topher, 579; James, 654; Jo-
seph, 462, 556, 593, 610, 664;
Thomas, 677; William, 77,
Brushes, 259.
Bryan (Brian, Bryen), Capt.,
537, 548, 66 1, 663; Daniel, 533,
534, 536, 565, 567- 661; Ed-
ward, 632; George, 63 , Jullll,
604; Patrick, 179.
Bryant, —— , 88.
Buchanan, —— , 107; Capt., 611 ;
Gen., 241, 270, 271, 325, 383,
399, 416, 425, 536, 546, 550,
606; Andrew, 17, 164, 224,
236, 250, 355, 356, 363, 378,
379, 398, 410, 417, 470, 480,
495, 512, 517, 539, 543, 548,
554; Archibald, 66, 250, 254,
322, 429; George, 322; James,
244, 273, 275, 627; Robert, 19;
Santiago, 146.
Buckley, Elizabeth, 321.
Buckskin, see Vessels.
Buckskin breeches, 47, 573.
Budd, John, 577.
Buford, Col., 89.
Bugles, William, 656.
Bull, John, 229, 236.
Bullen, —— , 181, 225, 497, 505,
524, 656; J., 318; John, 216,
219, 226, 230, 242, 253, 256,
269, 272, 275, 276, 291, 303,
325, 329, 352, 353, 364, 366,
368, 379, 384, 391, 406, 414,
421, 422, 428, 429, 436, 437,
439, 445, 446, 453, 457, 471,
498, 509, 517. 528, 530, 553,
558, 565, 567, 577, 579, 58i,
582, 585, 600, 601, 605, 613,
617, 627, 629, 633, 635, 637,
649, 652, 657, 678.
Bullet moulds, 276, 456.
Bullocks, 197, 306, 623.
Buubury, Benjamin, 465.
Bunks, "572.
Burch, Benjamin, 598; Jona-
than, 280.
Burgess, —— , 107; Ens., 98;
Basil, 532, 534, 551, 580; Ben-
jamin, 676; Caleb, 439; Ed-
ward, 617; John, 224; Joshua,
481, 646; Vachel, 367, 646.
Burgin, Thomas, 536, 547.
Burgoyne, Gen., 158.
Burgoyne's Convention Troops,
see British, Prisoners.
Burk, Jane, 435.
Burling, Thomas L., 629.
Burn, Timothy, 526.
Burns, Daniel, 292; John, 277.
Burtis, Samuel, 404.
Burton, Ann, 479; Elizabeth,
634; Francis, 299.
Burwell's Ferry, 675.
Bussey (Busey), Jesse, 224;
Paul, 277.
Butchers, 62, 86, 116, 126, 151,
161, 105.
Butler, Abraham, 662; Henry,
569; John, 50, 335, 569, 666;
Nathaniel, 652; Peter, 653.
Button, Levin, 179; Oliver, 564 ;
Samuel Dyre, 402.
Buttons, 97, 295, 510.
B vail, Peter. 372. ^48
Byng, William, 575, 670.
Cabbage, 354.
Cable, 305, 437.
Cadiz (Spain), 263, 430.
Caile, John Hall, 204, 220, 221
Caldwell, Peter, 598.
Calhoun, James, 64, 90, 95, 102,
116, 118, 137, 138, 147, 156-
158, 162, 195, 203, 223, 224,
235, 244, 246, 269, 315, 330,
333, 335, 338, 343, 356, 361,
365, 377, 380, 393, 394, 417.
419, 446, 447, 448, 451, 458,
48o, 497, 512, 517, 525, 546,
554, 563, 567, 569-571, 583,
587, 589, 592. 606-609, 613,
619, 622-624, 626, 631, 636,
637, 639, 645, 653, 659, 662,
Callahan, John, 246, 328, 496,
504, 527; Thomas, 527.
Callis, Garland, 336.
Calvert County, 30, 31, 33, 53,
61, 87, 125, 134, 142, 153, 154,
211, 217, 224, 255, 256, 261,
263, 272, 276, 278, 280, 284,
333, 378, 380, 462, 506, 521,
542, 569, 590-592, 596, 597,
603, 607, 618, 628, 644, 646,
647, 656, 657, 662; see also
Mackall, Benj., 4th; Smith,
Patrick Sim; Wilkinson, Jo-
seph; Lower Marlboro; Pa-
tuxent River.
Calvert Post, 594.
Cambridge, 22, 28, 44, 67, 88, 93,
117, 192, 226, 234, 298, 308,
347, 532, 552, 591.
Camden (S. C.), 78, 88, 96, 167,
169, 294.
Camp. 63, 68, 94, 633; equipage,
111, 182; kettles, 130, 218, 393,