Belt, John S., 262; John Sprigg,
260, 261, 508, 525, 534, 558;
Thomas, 224.
Benedict, 122.
Bennett (Bennet), —— , 125,
130, 154; James, 575, 670, 673;
Samuel, 447.
Benson, Capt, 98; James, 489;
Perry, 602.
Bentley, Solomon, 566.
Benton, Vincent, 465; Vinson,
Bergen County (N. J.), 30.
Bermingham, Christopher, 219.
Berringer, Andrew, 653.
Berry, —— , 298, Capt., 43, 59,
592; Robert, 280, 282, 291,
293, 308, 479; William, 224.
Besse, Claude, 495.
Betton, Samuel Dyre, 565.
Beyerfalk, —— , 187, 227, 228,
Bickey (Bicky), Michael, 449;
William, 444, 445; see also
Bickham, James, 367.
Biddulph, Stephen, 592.
Biggs, —— , 275; John, 332;
William, 275, 629.
Biggs and Clark, 629.
Billmeyer, Leonard, 220; Mar-
tin, 165, 220.
Bills of Credit, 5, 73, 138, 145,
260, 441, 493, et seq.; Conti-
nental, 441; printing of, 520 ;
signers of, 260, 496; sent to
Eastern Shore, 265.
Bills of Exchange, 131-133, 142,
144, 145, 205, 255, 313.
Bill-wood, —— , 303.
Bird, Capt., 98, 272; Richard,
549; Thomas, 598, 642.
Birkey, —— , 449; William, 444,
445; see also Bickey.
Birkhead, Charles, 405, 482;
Christopher, 190, 398; John,
Biscoe, George, 78.
Biscuits, 83, 306, 335, 354, 445,
Biton, Ranold, 635.
Black, George, 438.
Black River (S. C), 104.
Blacksmiths, 177.
Blackstones's Island, 468.
Bladensburgh, 4, 35, 39, 197, 613,
Blades, John, 332.
Blaine (Blane), Col., 12, 49, 116,
159, 406, 615, 636, 637, 641,
645, 648, 658, 676; Ephraim,
39, 47, 150, 189.
Blake, —— , 8, 20, 480; Lt., 597. ;
Charles, 32, 59, 88, 115, 141,
164, 1 66, 171, 178, 190, 194,
205, 230, 231, 236, 388, 392,
452, 462, 507, 588, 593, 610,
614, 615, 658; Joseph, 596.
Blank Books, 414.
Blankets, 2, 7, 8, 20, 36, 37, 54,
71, 97, 119, 120, 134, 157, 170,
216, 291, 294, 299, 302, 310,
323, 327, 329, 335, 353, 359,
371, 437, 449, 461, 463, 480,
572, 574, 575, 582, 584, 589,
591, 598, 599, 60 1, 608, 626,
628, 631, 633, 638, 653, 661,
Blansfield, Richard, 642.
Blaze, Joseph, 571, 642.
Bleachy, —— , 467, 469.
Blind soldiers, 239, 240, 296,
655, 661.
Block Houses, 418.
Blocks, 432.
Bloodsworth, Nathaniel, 670-
Blunt, Benjamin, 451.
Blythe, Jacob, 5.
Board of War, see Continental,
Board of War.
Boardly, see Bordley.
Boarman, Edward, 280; Henry,
280, 307; Richard Bennett,
Bochie, Matthias. 620.
Bodkin Point, 352.
Boge (Bogs), James, 466, 489.
Bohea Tea, see Tea.
Bohemia, Cecil County, 102.
Boilers, 193.
Bolton, J., 42, 62; John, 588.
Bomb shells, 139.
Bomgardner, —— , 657.
Bond, John, 618; Peter, 445;
Richard Jr., 466.
Bonds, 170, 569.
Bonham, Malachiah, 600, 612.
Boone, Ens., 97; Lieut., 500 ;
Burle, 597; Charles, 411, 527;
Ignatius, 325; John, 228, 272,
344, 345, 4:1, 422, 497, 505,
511, 512, 558, 559; Samuel,
437; Stephen, 360, 527, 597.
Booth Ebenezer, 465; Jonathan,
Borat, Peter, 657.
Bordeau, France, 131, 142, 144,
Bordley (Boardley), —— , 124;
Lt, 397; James, 224; W., 19;
William, 282, 371, 391, 392,
442, 451, 460.
Borelay and Cornthwait, 293.
Bosley, James, 651; Walter, 159.
Boston (Mass.), 337, 573-
Boswell, John, 569.
Botts, Joseph, 336, 438.
Boucher, Rev. John, 677;
Thomas, 495.
Bouldin, Lewis, 466.
Bounty for recruits, 13, 18, 25,
27, 33, 47, 52, S3, 63, 67, 69,
70, 183, 238, 265, 310, 335,
451, 471, 518, 520-522, 526,
536, 563, 570, 578, 581, 583,
586, 592, 641.
Bourk, James, 654.
Bowen, Jethro, 10; Joshua, 634;
Solomon, 634.
Bowie, —— , 473; Capt., 26, 528 ;
Fielder, 224, 472; Robert, 472,
520, 533, 596; William, 472,
616; William Sprigg, 437.
Bowles, Martin, 672.
Bowley (Bowly), Daniel, 82,
251, 254, 257; William, 398.
Boxes, 600.
Boyd, —— , 520; Ens., 97; Abra-
ham, 224; Archibald, 92;
Robert, 477, 478; Thomas,
Boyer, Capt, 93, 120, 556;
Adam, 620; Michael, 234, 332,
Boyle, —— , 631; James, 381.
Bradford, David, 422; Mary,
10; William, 191.
Bradie, Capt, 266.
Bradley, Nathan, 287.
Bran and shorts, 5, 7, 31, 139,
176, 238, 242, 257, 268, 524,
546, 613, 648.
Brandridge, Thomas, 106.
Brandy, 127, 345, 467, 473, 546,
547, 586, 616, 673.
Brannon (Branan), Lawrence,
598, 642.
Brashears, Jonathan, 423.
Brass field pieces, 399; see also
Field pieces.
Bratten, William, 10.
Braughton, see Broughton.
Bray, Henry, 656.
Bread, 43, 90, 130, 139, 140, 147,
150, 158, 161, 163, 235, 245,
304, 330, 333, 337, 343, 345,
356, 360, 362, 419, 430, 432,
447, 451, 474, 613, 620, 623,
641, 675.
Breeches, 47, 81, 110, 240, 244,
272, 297, 302, 336, 367, 464,
485, 486, 508, 527, 572, 573,
599, 612, 649, 650, 653-656, 661.
Brerton, John, 473, 670, 671, 672.
Bretherd, Daniel Coe, 353.
Brewer, John, 223, 332; Joseph,
268, 419, 503, 508, 571, 610,
614; Nicholas, 632.
Brian, see Bryan.
Brice, Capt, 98; Col., 273, 415;
Jacob, 528, 529, 530, 555;
James, I, 213, 233, 237, 266,
318, 393, 340, 380, 398, 415,
549, 574, 602, 666; John, 1,
262, 288, 327, 363, 367, 526,
527, 552, 558.
Bridge Town Warehouse, 231.
Bridles, 536, 544, 549, 550.
Brimstone, 11.
Brina," Daniel, 656.
Briscoe, Hanson, 156.
British, 175, 217, 271, 378, 397,
465, 471, 473, 488, 54T-544.
550, 651, 669. Army, 2, 63, 88,
170, 186, 305, 373, 374, 429.
452-456, 477, 485, 537, 554,