August 23
Liber No. 78
p. 256
waggons down on the Side to receive them. If waggons Carts and
Teams with Drivers cannot be hired you must impress them.
[Council to Colo. George Dashiell]
Upon your recommendation we have agreed to take the Barge
offered us by John Done and others of Somerset County, at the Price
asked and have given you an Order on the Treasurer of this Shore
for the Amount £230 we want one hundred Barrels of good Pork,
and request you to purchase it immediately on the best Terms you
can, you have an Order on the Treasurer for five hundred Pounds to
pay for the Pork. It must be sent up in the Barge, and we request that
you will wait on the Eastern shore Council, and request the Favour
of them to let Capt Whalley conv[o]y the Barge to this Place, and to
take down the Militia you order up in her. We have wrote them on
the Subject.
p. 257
[Council to Peter Chaille Esqr.]
We have occasion for a Quantity of good Barrel Pork, Co' George
Dashiel informs us that he think it can be bought for about five
hundred Pounds a Barrel. We therefore enclose you five hundred
Pounds, and request you will lay it out in good Barreled Pork upon
the best Terms you can, and we have bought the Salisbury Barge, and
she will be convoyed up by Capt Whalley there will be a good oppor-
tunity of sending the Pork by them.
[Council to Philip Thomas, Esqr.]
Enclosed you have the Petition of a Number of Men raised under
the Act for raising two Battalions of Militia &ca to the Board for the
Bounty of twenty Dollars alledging they came as Volunteers for the
Classes and were promised on their Arrival here to receive it, that
they have not received any Class Money nor any thing from Persons
composing the Classes more than Money to bear their Expences from
the Generosity of the Gentlemen of the Classes, we shall be obliged
to you to inform us whether those men are recruits enlisted on or
before the i6th July or Draughts or Substitutes that Justice may be
done them.
[Council to Henry Hooper, Esqr.]
We have enclosed you the Commissions requested except for John
Steelc second Lieutenant and Nimrod Newten as Ensign in Capt
Roger A. Hoopers Company, occasioned by your not informing us
of the reason of your request to issue the Commissions as it appears
from our Proceedings that Samuel Hooper is second Lieutenant and
Walter Rawley Ensign in that Company. It is not in our power to
supply any Arms or Ammunition. Your shore has already received
its Proportion, indeed our Stock is much reduced by the Abuse of
the regulars in this City.