528 Proceedings and Correspondence
July 30
Liber No. 78
p. 223
[Council to Colo. Samuel Smith.]
Gen' Smallwood has requested us to furnish the following Articles
for the third Maryland Regiment, to wit, four Horsemens Tents,
forty Common Tents, a Case of pocket and amputating Instruments
Drums Fifes Drumheads and Cord, the Horsemens Tents to be
made larger than those received. Nothing detains that regiment but
the want of Horses and Waggons and the above Articles, and we
desire you will do every thing in your power to obtain and forward
them immediately. If you can't get the amputating Instruments im-
mediately don't delay sending the other Articles of that Account.
[Council to John Bullen, Escpr.]
There are nine Horses brought by Colo Woolford from Capt Bowie
the Collector of Prince Georges County. You are desired to examine
them and keep such as are fit for the draught and give a receipt for
those that you keep to be transmitted to Capt Bowie the rest of the
Horses are to be returned.
p. 224
[Council Circular, Richard Barnes Esqr and Colo Jeremiah Jordan.]
We have considered the Papers and Depositions which have been
transmitted to us against Solomon Tyler, and it not appearing to us
there is any good and sufficient Cause to justify the Detention of his
Property, we request you would order such of his Property as may be
under your Care to be delivered to Rachel Tyler wife to the said
Solomon or such Person as he may direct.
[Council to Special Court for the Eastern Shore.]
We have received your Letter of the 21st and have transmitted a
Commission that includes all the Counties of this State on the Eastern
Shore. It appears to us very necessary that the Court should im-
mediately sit, and call upon the Lieutenants and Sheriffs of the
Counties for what Prisoners they have in their Custody particularly
Somerset and Worcester where we are informed there are Several.
July 31
Liber C. P,.
No. 24
p. 117
Tuesday 3 1st July 1781
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Captains Jacob
Brice, John Smith, Philip Reed, John Lynch and Lieut. Arthur
Harris, each, Thirty pounds of the Bills emitted under the Act for
the Emission of Bills of Credit not exceeding two hundred thousand
pounds &ca of the money appropriated for the present Campaign on
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt. John Smith
of the 3rd Regimt Twelve pounds six shillings of the Bills emitted
p. 118
under the Act for the Emission of Bills of Credit not exceeding two