That the said Treasurer pay to Jasper Wert seven pounds & ten
pence Specie agreeable to the Act to adjust the Debt due from the
State p Acct passed by the A. Gl the 18. May 1781.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Sele Tucker
fifteen pounds eight shillings and five pence Specie agreeable to the
" Act to adjust the Debts due from this State " due James Tucker
per Account passed by the Aud. Genl the 30 April 1781.
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Capt. John Jordan eight
Gallons of Rum and thirty two pounds of Sugar. Captns Lloyd Beall
and Jonathan Sellman each, four Gallons of Rum and sixteen pounds
of Sugar due to the 1st Instant.
July 24
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 112
p. 113
[Council to Colo. Edward Gaither.]
The Beef contained in the five Barrels and the half Hogshead sent
by you, and delivered yesterday to Mr Chrysal Commissary at this
Post, is condemned being entirely spoiled and unfit for use, as re-
ported by Major Roxburgh who was ordered by Genl Smallwood to
inspect it. We have directed the Commissary not to receive it for the
State, but to set it up at public Sale to the highest Bidder, and to
credit you with whatever it may sell for.
July 24
Liber No. 78
p. 219
[Council to Stephen Steward, Esqr.]
When we wrote you we were not acquainted with the Situation of
the Porpoise, as you are much better acquainted with the County
where she lies than we are we shall not undertake to give you par-
ticular Instructions for the conveying the States Part of her Cargoe
to this Place, but shall leave you at Liberty to convey it in the most
speedy and best Manner you can, confident you will act for the State
as yourself.