of the Council of Maryland. 517
be discountable in Taxes with Interest, one third yearly, the Assembly
have said that they will take the most effectual and speedy Measures
in their Power for the immediate Discharge of the Certificates
granted to such persons as [may] not choose to deduct the same out
of their annual Assessment. We have wrote Mr Calhoun about the
Flour who we have [no] Doubt will give the proper Directions.
July 23
Liber No. 78
p. 218
[Council to James Calhoun, Esqr.]
We this Day received a Letter from Mr Dallam informing us of a
quantity of Corn Flour and Midlings which he found would spoil
unless some Thing was done with it soon, we wish you to give such
Directions respecting the Flour that it may not be lost to the Public
[Council to Colo. Samuel Smith.]
We request you will have made a Marque immediately for General
Gist in such Manner as he may direct. We have sent 25o£ by Genl
Gist agreeably to your request of the 16th for the Purpose of furnish-
ing the Waggons wanted for this Detachment.
[Council Circular, Lieutenants.]
We request you to march all the Recruits, Draughts and Substi-
tutes now in your County immediately to this Place and the others
as soon as they are raised, that they may be regimented raised dis-
ciplined and equipped for Service, we most earnestly press your
immediate Attention and Execution to this requisition as the Troops
are much wanted to the Southward.
p. 219
[Council to John Bullen, Esqr.]
You are requested to deliver the Waggon Horses in your Posses-
sion fit for immediate Service to the Order of Genl Smallwood
[Council to Andrew Buchanan, Esqr.]
Enclosed is a Copy of our Letter to the Collector appointed by the
Assembly, since which we have heard that he has refused to Act, and
that you have appointed another Person, to whom we shall be obliged
to you to forward the Enclosure and urge him to forward the draught
Horses immediately to Mr Poe as the Detachment in this City under
marching Orders for the Southward is waiting only for them.
Tuesday 24th July 1781
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt. Alexander
Trueman one pound Ten shillings of the Bills emitted under the Act
for the Emission of Bills of Credit not exceeding two hundred
July 24
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 112