Monday 23d July 1781
Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to Colo Peter
Adams as much Canvas as will make a Valeese for his Marque and
Cord for the same Lieut John Kilty of Baylors Horse one suit of
Cloaths & Linen for two shirts for the present year. Major Alexan-
der Roxburgh two and a quarter yds Canvas. Capt. Gilbert Middle-
ton one Sailors Jacket two shirts and two pair Trousers for Edmund
Redman enlisted in the Navy of this State for two years and also to
John Morris late a soldier in the 3d Regiment one hat one Coat one
Shirt, one pair Linen Overalls and one pair Shoes in part of the
Cloathing due him.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt John Courts Jones
nine pounds five shillings of the Bills emitted under the " Act for
the Emission of Bills of Credit not exceeding two hundred thousand
pounds &ca of the money appropriated for the present Campaign due
him per Account passed by the And. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Colo Samuel Smith Two hundred
and fifty pounds of the same Emission of the money appropriated as
aforesaid to be expended in procuring Waggons for the Detachment
under marching orders on Acct
That the said Tresurer pay to Lieut Thomas Price six pounds and
also Two pounds five shillings of the same Emission of the money
appropriated as aforesaid due him per Accounts passed by the Aud.
Genl & Depy Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to Major Edward Giles Twelve
pounds fifteen shillings of the same Emission of the money appro-
priated as aforesd for the use of Major Aquila Giles due him for
stores to I June last p Acct Settled by the A. G'
That the said Treasurer pay to Doctr James Murray thirty Pounds
of the same Emission of the Money appropd as aforesaid due him
for attending the Hospital since the 19th June last on Account.