Wednesday 27 June 1781
Ordered that the Armourer deliver to Colo Joseph Dashiell seventy
five pounds of Lead and shot for the use of Worcester County Militia.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Doctr Samuel Clagett
one suit of Cloaths and four shirts for the year 1780.
Whereas this Board have good reason to believe that Samuel Tom-
lins Pocomoke sound, Thomas Evans, ship Carpenter lives at Tom-
lins, William Johnson Indian Annimesex William Whiteman partner
to Johnson, James Benson of Worcester or Virginia. Oto Crockett
Lower Tangier Island, Elijah Sturgis, Jacob Haywood Worcester
Quaker, John Traverse Snow Hill, Samuel Thomas Ship Carpenter
Snow Hill, Robert Pitts, Pitts landing, Robert Parker on Watts
Island, Stephen Mister, Samuel Brittingham and John Merchant
Shell Town Somerset have been trading with the Enemy and that
they are disaffected and Dangerous Persons whose going at large may
be prejudicial to the State. The Lieutenants of Somerset and Wor-
cester Counties are therefore ordered to arrest the persons above men-
tioned without delay and have them before the Board forthwith that
they may be dealt with according to Law.
June 27
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 97
[Council to General Assembly.]
We think it necessary to inform you that -some Gentlemen Mer-
chants in France have shipped Goods from thence consigned to their
Agents here some of which Goods have been purchased by this Board
for the use of the State upon Credit, and not yet paid for. We beg
June 27
Liber No. 78
p. 203
Thursday 28th June 1781.
Ordered that the Collector of the Tax for Prince Georges County
pay to Thomas Clagett and Company twenty thousand pounds of
Tobacco including four p Cent for the Casks, for one hundred yards
Bareskin purchased of them for the Army.
That the western shore Treasurer deliver to Ferederick Green the
Arms of the State and the Plates on which the last Emission was
Commissions issued to Elisha Rogers appointed 1st Lieut. James
Boge 2nd Lieut Richard Oldham Ensign of Captain John Oglevee's
Company and also to Thomas Littleton Savin Captain in the room
of Abraham Cazier Harman Arrents 1st Lieutenant and Nathan
Phillips Ensign, belonging to the Elk Battalion of Militia Cecil
June 28
Liber C. B.
No. 24