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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 483   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 483

[Council to Patrick Sim Smith, Esqr.]

We have received your Letter of this Date, and as we have occa-
sion to send the Boat Plator Capt Middleton to Patuxent to convoy
some Tobacco vessels from thence, we have ordered him to wait on
you and bring all the Salted Provisions you have. If it is in large
Casks, the Transportation will be easy and it can be repacked in
Barrels here if not immediately used. You will hasten Capt Middle-
ton away with all possible Dispatch.

June 22
Liber No. 78
p. 196

[Council to Capt. Gilbert Middleton.]
You will immediately proceed to Lower Marlbro in Patuxent and


there apply to Patrick Sim Smith Escr for some Salt Provisions be-
longing to the State, and take it on Board and then you will proceed
to the Vessels in the same River loading with Tobacco by Mr Key
on Account of the State bound to the Head of the Bay which you are
to convoy as far as this Place; when yon are to return with the Pro-
visions, unless you think there is Danger from the Enemy, in such
Case you are to convoy them until you think they are out of Danger.

P. 197

[Council to Delegates in Congress.]
We were honored with yours of the 12th' Instant, be assured that
your very disagreeable Situation for want of remittances from this
State, has given us real Concern, and that it would give us consider-
able Relief to remove them immediately. We have delivered Philip
Key Esqr two hundred and thirty Hogsheads of Tobacco to be imme-
diately transported to Philadelphia, eighty Hogsheads of which are
now a Float, from the Sales thereof you are to be supplied with
Money. Mr Key drew an Order on Mr Mollohan for sixty Pounds
Specie to be delivered to you which we imagine you have received.
You may rely, Gentlemen that if our Abilities were equal to our
Inclinations, you would not be left in such embarrassing Circum-


[Council to Gen'1 Assembly.]

We have lately made many Contracts with the Individuals of the
State, for Provision and military Stores, presuming that Means
would have been provided by the General Assembly, to enable us to
comply with them; some of these Contracts are in paper, others in
Specie, and the rest in Specie to be paid in Tobacco or Flour at a
Price, to be ascertained by the Governor and Council, and the Party
or Bills on the Havanna. The Articles have been delivered and the
Party call on us to perform our part of the Contract; insisting and we


believe very truly, that he has expended considerable sums of his
own Money, in procuring and furnishing the Articles, and that he
will be put to great Inconvenience unless he is paid. We are exceed-

p. 198

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 483   View pdf image (33K)
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