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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 474   View pdf image (33K)
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474 Proceedings and Correspondence

June 13
Liber C. B.

No. 24
p. 93

That the Commissary of Stores deliver to the said Major Aquila
Giles Cloth and Trimmings for a suit of Cloaths and Linen for four
Shirts due him for the year 1780.

June 13
Liber No. 78
p. 190

[Council to Major William Sterett]

A certain James Delahunty who says he arrived some little Time
ago into Chingotigue was examined by one of the Magistrates of
Talbot County and for want of a Pass and not being able to give
a good Account of himself was by him sent to this Board for further
Examination, he informs us you knew him in the West Indies, and
can give us Information respecting him, we request you will by the
first opportunity, acquaint us with any Circumstances you know
relative to him. Mr Delahunty says he came from Ireland, with
Mr David Plunkett and landed at Santa Cruz and came from thence
to Chingotigue with Linnens &ca in the Schooner Capt Friar belong-
ing to Rudolph and Armstead


[Council to Cesar Rodney, Esqr.]

Since we had the Honor of addressing your Excellency on the 2d
Ult. respecting the Seizure of Mr Snow by George Mann and of his
delivering him into the Hands of the Enemy, We have obtained
Information that James Dorsey and Sarah his wife and Margaret
Wallace are Evidences materially necessary to establish the Fact and
shall take it as a particular Favor if you will have those Persons im-
mediately bound over to appear at the next general Court for this
State on the Eastern shure of the said State on the Second Tuesday
in Sept. next against the said Mann Silas Snow has entered into a
recognizance before one of the Judges of the general Court of this
State to appear as an Evidence against Mann.

p. 191

[Council to Colo. Hollingsworth.]

We request you to take the first opportunity of forwarding to this
Place all the Bread you have at your Post agreeable to the Sample
delivered as we conceive it may be of some use for our Boats and
other Purposes.

June 14
Liber C. B,
No. 24
P. 93

Thursday 14th June 1781

Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt Christian
Myers of the German Regiment Cloth and Trimmings for two suits
of Cloaths and Linen for six shirts in part of the Articles allowed
for the years 1780 & 1781.
Commissions issued to Benjamin Townsend appointed Captain

Thomas McLachlan Lieut and Richard Hodgson Cornet of a Troop

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 474   View pdf image (33K)
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