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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 472   View pdf image (33K)
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472 Proceedings and Correspondence

June 11
Liber No. 78
p. 188

one hundred Tents and as many Tin or sheet Iron camp kettles, which
we request you will either purchase or immediately procure under the
Powers invested in you under the Law which was enclosed in our
Last. The Lead you have ordered from Philadelphia will be very
acceptable. We shall consider the Propriety of shipping in Future
Tobacco to France, but at Present we have such immediate Demands
for Supplies for the Army and we apprehend it will be necessary to
apply all our Tobacco to those Purposes. We shall forward you the
one hundred Hogsheads of Tobacco, whenever we have it in the
warehouses you mention. If you have not already made Contracts
for Arms you will suspend that Business until you receive our further
Directions therein.

June 12
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 93

Tuesday 12th June 1781

Ordered that the Armourer deliver to Thomas Rutland a Tackle
fall belonging to the State to be returned and if any way injured by
him to be replaced by another equally as good.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Lieut Thomas Rouse
of the 2d Regiment Cloth and Trimmings for a suit of Cloaths and
Linen for two shirts in part for the year 1781
Commissions issued to Robert Bowie appointed Captain in the
room of John H. Beanes and also to John Harris Gibbs Ensign of
Capt. Richard Stonestreets Company in the Lower Battalion of
Militia in Prince Georges County.

June 12
Liber No. 78
p. 188

[Council to Mr. William Clagett.]

We are informed that Mr William Bowie at Upper Marlbro and
Mr Fielder Bowie at Nottingham have a Number of Tin Kettles fit
for Camp, as they are much wanted to enable the Detachment at this
Place to march, we request you will immediately procure such as will
hold at least two Gallons and have them forwarded to this place with
the utmost Dispatch.


[Council to Colo. Joshua Beall.]

We have received your Letter of the 11th by Colo Lyles. The un-
certainty of the Movements of the Enemy at present keeps us in
Doubt of the Propriety of discharging the Militia, but it is very
probable that in twenty four Hours certain Intelligence may arrive
that will determine the operations of the Militia and you shall have
immediate Notice, We cannot send you any more Arms at Present
but will order a little Cartridge Paper if you cannot by means of
the Purchaser Mr Claget procure enough with [in] your County. You

p. 189

will see the Law allowing the Militia Rations when on Duty. It will
we Doubt not be carefully attended to in the orders you give for

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 472   View pdf image (33K)
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