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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 471   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 471

for your Guide in the Purchase of the Cattle. The Assembly made a
Resolution the last week not to draw any Money from the Treasury
or to pay any Orders already drawn until they should take further
Order therein which prevents us from supplying you with any Money,
we have enclosed an Order on Mr Rozier for the barrels in his Pos-

June 11
Liber No. 78
p. 186

[Council to Richard Barnes, Esqr.]

We request you wil direct the Tobacco in the several warehouses
within your County, exposed to the Enemy to be removed to such
Places of Security as you may think. You will be pleased to give us
the earliest Intelligence of any interesting Movements of the Enemy.

p. 187

[Council to Joseph Ford, Esqr]

We have received yours of the 7th Instant, and think it would be
proper for you to supply the Militia with fresh Provisions and to pre-
serve the salt Provisions as long as you possibly can, which may be
made use of in the Heat of Summer when fresh Provisions will not
answer. We have enclosed an Order on the Collector for 15,000
Pounds of Tobacco. The Assembly have not taken any Order respect-
ing the Tobacco in your Hands burnt in St. Mary's warehouses, when
they do, your Account may be finally settled, we wrote you on the
9th Instant and are apprehensive, did not enclose the Law mentioned
to be enclosed, and therefore now send you it, we do not think it
proper that more Barrels should be made up in your County than
may be necessary for the Post


[Council to Gen'1 Smallwood.]

Several of the Soldiers raised last year for the old regiments and
the Regiment extraordinary have applied to this Board for their
Bounties. We wish to do Justice to them and request it as a Favor
that you would have a List of those who have not received their
Bounties be made out and lodged with this Board that the Money
may be issued to them.


[Council to John Bullen, Esqr.]

Doctor Schenebly of Washington County has sent some Horses
which he received from the State to take Care of for the Winter
you will be so obliging as to receive them and lodge with this Board
a Certificate of the Number and their Condition.


[Council to Colo. Samuel Smith.]

Yours of the 8th Instant we have received and are pleased with
your Prospects of procuring Cloathing, to enable the Detachment at
this Place to march, it will be necessary to furnish them with about

p. 188

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 471   View pdf image (33K)
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