452 Proceedings and Correspondence
May 31
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 88
That the said Treasurer pay to Robert John Smith one hundred
and forty nine pounds, seventeen shillings due him p Acct passed by
the D. Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut Robert Denny of the 7th
Regimt eight pounds, thirteen shillings and seven pence half penny
due him per Account passed by the Depy Aud.
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Lt Robert Denny six
Gallons of Rum and twenty four pounds of Sugar to the 1st Instant
Commissions issued to John Smoot, appointed Capt. William
Hooper Lieut and James Shaw Cornet of a Troop of Horse in Dor-
chester County raised in Virtue of an " Act to encourage the raising
a Volunteer Troop of Light Horse in Baltimore Town and in each
County of this State "
Commissions issued to James Hay appointed 1st Ll of Capt. Britt-
ingham Dickinsons Compy in the Baltimore Town Batt of Militia in
Baltimore County, and Commission issued to George William Forres-
ter appointed Coronor of Kent County.
In Virtue of a Resolution of the General Assembly of the 29th
Instant Colo Samuel Smith of Baltimore is appointed Agent to pro-
cure the necessary Cloathing for the Troops to be marched to the
Southern Army.
May 3 1
Liber No. 78
p. 168
[Council to Delegates in Congress.]
By the enclosed Paper No i you will perceive the rapid Strides
Lord Cornwallis is making through Virginia, and the imminent
Danger with which this State is threatened Under these Impressions
the General Assembly have passed a Resolution of yesterday's Date
a Copy of which you have marked No 2 and we beg and intreat you
p. 169
to urge the weight and Influence of this State to obtain the Arms
Accoutrements and Cloathing so earnestly requested and essentially
necessary to enable us to resist the Enemy. No 3 you will perceive
is a Request from the Assembly that you solicit every Aid and Assist-
ance that can be afforded us by Pensylvania. This requisition is of the
utmost Importance and we wish you to use your Influence, in obtain-
ing such assistance whenever the Necessities due Distresses of this
State may require it.
[Council to Charles Blake Commissary of Queen Anns.]
You will furnish the Draughts and Recruits of Queen Anns County
with such Provision as the Lieutenants of the said County may direct.
[Council to President of Special Council.]
We have the Honor of enclosing you some blank Naval Commis-
sions which may be made use of for temporary Purpose.