August 4
Red Rook
No. 26
No. 75
[Richd. Dallam Lt. Harford County to His Excellency
Thos. Sim Lee, Esqr.]
Sr Please to order payment to Capt Edwd Praul for fifteen hundred
Dollars due James Phillips in part of his Bounty for enlistg and
which sum I could not Borrow nor by any means get in the County.
I Place the same to account of Sr Your Excellency
August S
[Benj. Nicholson to His Excellency Thos. Sim Lee Esqr.]
Sir Since the taking in of all our Inhabitants Subject to militia
duty, the Balt. Town Batl is so full that I was Obligd to form 4
New Compys after filling up all the old ones. Inclosed is a list of
Officers who I have taken upon me (wth the concurrence of the
Lieu' of the County) to recomd as well for the filling up the Vacan-
cies in the Batl as for the New Companies. If they meet wth yr Excys
& the Councils approbation please to forward their Comsrs as soon
as convt Colo Mole tells me he has resigned & as I am not upon the
spot & wish to render our Military Gentn who are out of the
Continental Service as Useful as posble think it my duty to give
up my rank in favor of Colo Saml Smyth whose Military abilities.
I make no doubt yr Excy & the Council will poin wth me in thinking
fully equal to the Appointment & in wch he may render his Country
essential Service In the other Appointments we have had the same
object in View & have blended the Continental officers in such
manner as not to give Offence.
August 7
[J. Bolton, Chestertown, to Thos. Sim Lee, Esqr.]
Sir I presented your Order to the Collector & receiv'd for answer
that he had made up his Accounts, & paid the Ballance, & that he
had then no money in his hands, nor should he have any till the next
Collection in Novr Mr Vorhees writes me he has no money to buy
Provision, could have got a large qty of Bacon had he had money
to pay for it, & I believe I could procure a considerable quantity,
& should have done it out of my own Stock, but that is now so
exhausted that I am obligd to go in debt for Provision for my
Family, therefore can't advance of my own money as I have here-
tofore done; am therefore greatly at a loss what to do.
I have borrowed a little Flower to be paid in Cash or in kind &
quality in Novr & am in hopes I shall get some more on them terms,
but the Butcher must have money to purchase meat, his stock is
almost gone, he may be able to supply them a few days longer &
I have but 200tt Bacon which I must endeavour to keep till they
march from hence, as Fresh meat does not suit at that time. Mr
Vorhees had no more Bacon to send me.
Pray send me a list of Rations each Soldier is to have