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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 379   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 379

That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut Hartshorn Ten pounds and /

seven pence half penny due him per Account passed by the Depy And. j
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut John Kilty of Baylors Corps I
Twenty four pounds and eleven pence farthing due him per Acct
passed by the Aud. Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to Alien Quynn Esquire seven pounds
ten shillings on Account.
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Capt Pereguine Fitzhugh
& Lieut John Kilty each, thirty Gallons of Rum & one hundred and
twenty pounds of Sugar and also to Lieut Hartshorn twenty one &
a half Gallons of Rum & thirty seven pounds of Sugar due them to
the 1st Inst
Commissions issued to Bennett Dyson appointed Capt. in the room
of John Parnham in the 12th Batt of Militia & also to Geo Dunnington
appd Ens. of Capt. Saml Lucketts Compy in the 26th Batt. of Mila
Charles County.

Vpril 6

jber C. B.
STo. 24

Ordered that Mr John Bullen be requested to provide such neces-
saries for the Soldiers to be innoculated as Docf Murray may direct
and that he procure a House for the Reception of such of the poor
now in the poor House as have not had the small pox.

p. 68

[Council to Andrew Buchanan, Esqr.]

Your's of the 4th we received and think it necessary that Arms
should be put into the Hands of all the well affected Militia of Balti-
more Town, and that Guards each to consist of such a Number as
you may think necessary to be taken from the Town Militia should
be ordered out on Duty immediately to prevent the Town from being
surprised and to protect the Magazine and Stores. We esteem it
highly proper that Signals should be agreed on and established to
warn to assemble the County Militia when their Assistance may be
requisite to Cooperate with the Militia of the Town.

April 6
Liber No. 78
p. no

[Council to The Delegates in Congress.]

The Treasury is in the same State as when we wrote to you, but
expect a considerable Part of the Taxes will be paid in the Course
of this Month, we cannot promise that you shall have the Money by
the next Post, but we hope to be able to furnish it, as we have re-
quested the Treasurer to lay by the Sum you require of the first that
may be paid in, we are much distressed for the Plates for the small
Denominations of our State Money, and the paper for printing them,
the Prices of Articles having raised considerably for the want of
small change. We shall be obliged to you to inform us when they may
be expected.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 379   View pdf image (33K)
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