Capt. Richard Dorsey of the Artillery due him per Account passed
by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to John King Twenty three pounds
thirteen shillings and six pence due him per Account passed by the
Aud. Gl
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Philip Jones of Capt.
Dorseys Company of Artillery one Coat, one Waistcoat one pair of
Breeches one pair of Stockings, two Shirts and one pair of Shoes.
March 29
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 64
[Council to Mr. John Shaw.]
The Engineer at work at the Fort wants planks for the Platforms,
you will furnish him with as much of the old (if it will answer the
Purpose) as may be necessary, and if that should not be sufficient you
must procure such as will do.
March 29
Liber No. 78
p. 100
Friday 30th March 1781
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt. Alexander
Trueman of the 6th Regimt four pounds eleven shillings and one
penny half penny of the New Emission due him for Stores per
Account passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Alexander Howard Magruder
eighty four pounds seven shillings of the same Emission for the use
of William Magruder due him p Account passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to John Brice Esqr one hundred and
seventy four pounds seven Shillings and ten pence Fifty Pounds
and nine pounds nineteen shillings and eight pence of the same Emis-
sion due him in full for his Salary last year as Councillor.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Richard Dorsey of the Mary-
land Artillery twelve pounds six shillings and two pence of the same
Emission due him for Stores &ca per Account passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Captain Charles Smith, Vachel
Burgess, Lieut John Plant Ensigns James Bickham and Theodore
Middleton of the late Extra Regiment, each Fifty pounds of the new
Emission in lieu of twenty pounds Specie as part of their Account
passed by the Auditer General on Account
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Dorsey &
Co. twelve hundred and fifty pounds of the new Emission on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Colos Nathaniel Ramsey, and Uriah
Forrest Commissioners for the preservation of Confiscated British
property forty pounds of the same Emission on Account.
That Capt Philemon Warfield deliver to Colo Elijah Robosson
thirty two stands of Arms and ten rounds of Cartridges to each stand
for the use of the Militia of his Battalion & to be by him accounted for.
March 30
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 64
P. 65