of the Council of Maryland. 363
[Council to Commodore Nicholson.]
One of the Ships has this Moment returned and now lies off this
City, we thought it highly necessary you should be advised of it that
proper Precautions might be used to prevent our Vessels and Pro-
visions from falling into the Enemy's Possession, the Ships have
burnt and destroyed all the Buildings on Poplar Island.
March 25
Liber No. 78
p. 99
Monday 26th March 1781
Ordered That the Armourer deliver to John Brice twenty Car-
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Jonathan Parker five
pounds nineteen shillings of the new Emission due him per Acco'
passed by the Aud Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to Rachel Hammond three pounds two
shillings & six pence of the same Emission due her per Acco' passed
by the Aud. Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to Denton Hammond Thirty Pounds,
ten shillings of the same Emission due him per Account passed by the
Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Adam Reb forty two pounds seven
shillings & one penny half penny of the same Emission due him per
Acct passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to William Gordan six pounds, sixteen
shillings and ten pence of the same Emission due him for eight Days
Attendance as Messenger to the Governor and Council.
March 26
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 62
[Council to Andrew Buchanan Esqr.]
We have received your Letter of the 22d and under the Circum-
stances of the recruiting Service in Baltimore County at present,
the Vigilance and Zeal the people there have Shewn on every Occa-
sion, and the Expectation we have from the recruits being made up,
have induced us to think it most proper to suspend the Draft in
Baltimore County and therefore direct that the Draft be suspended
until further Order.
March 26
Liber No. 78
p. 99
Tuesday 27 March 1781
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Daniel Munro
forty three pounds ten shillings of the new Emission due him per
Acct passed by the A. Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt John Jordan of the first Reg.
seventeen pounds twelve shillings and eight pence of the same Emis-
sion due him for Stores per Account passed by the Aud. Genl
March 27
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 62