of the Council of Maryland. 359
Wednesday 21 March 1781
Ordered that the Armourer deliver to John Davidson forty seven
three pound shot — and also to Robert Moss thirty flints & three
hundred Cartriges to be delivered over to Joseph Merrikin who is
to be Accountable for the same.
March 21
Liber C. B.
. No. 24
, P-6o
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Majr Levin
Winder Cloth and Trimmings for a suit of Cloathes and Linen for
four Shirts for the present year. Ensign Levache of the 2nd Regi-
ment Cloth and Trimmings for a Suit of Cloaths & Linen for four
shirts due him for the year 1780. Lieut John Chever of the Artillery
Linen for two shirts for the present year. Lieut Robert Denny
[Paymastr] of the 7th Regimt sixty three Coats Sixty three Vests,
sixty three pair Overalls, one hundred and ninety shirts and forty
Blankets to be accountable to the Commissary and also to John
Holden of the 5th Regimt a suit of Cloaths and two shirts.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Ensign Le Vache fifty
pounds of the new Emission agreeable to a Resolution of the General
That the said Treasurer pay to John C. Maccubbin Twenty seven
pounds ten shillings of the same Emission due him per Acct passed by
the Aud. Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to Ens. Le Vache Twenty four pounds
and eleven pence of the same Emission due him for Store p Acct
passed by the Aud Gl
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Ensign Le Vache Thirty
Gallons of Rum and one hundred and twenty pounds of Sugar due to
April next.
Leave given to Ann Tilley, widow, to go with a Flag on board the
British Ships lying in the Road off this City to endeavor to obtain of
the Commanding Officer, a Negro Woman and three Children her
property taken away by a Mulato Man the Husband of the Woman.
p. 61
[Council to John S. Brookes, Esqr.]
We have yours of the 20th Instant. The Cattle you have collected,
must be drove to Frederick Town and delivered to Mr Murdock to
supply the Convention and other Troops on their March through this
State to Pensylvania we flatter ourselves that by your Exertions you
will be enabled to execute the Orders for procuring the Quantity of
Provisions required of Prince George's County. Our Instructions to
you were general and hope they will be strictly pursued. The salt
Provisions are to be sent to this Place
March 21
Liber No. 78
p. 96
[Council to Major Meriken.]
Wre have sent you three hundred Cartridges and thirty Flints. We
will furnish you with Musquets, if you will inform us of the Number