of the Council of Maryland. 283
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Lieut Thomas Price six-
teen Gallons of Rum and twenty nine pounds of sugar due him for
the year 1780 and also to Ensign Roger Nelson fourteen Gallons of
Rum and fifty six pounds of sugar Balance of stores due him from
the first June to the first instant
That the Commissary of stores deliver to Lieut Thomas Price
Cloth and Trimmings for a suit of Cloaths except three yards of
Shalloon and Linen for two shirts in full for the year 1781, and also
to Ensign Roger Nelson Cloth and Trimmings for a suit of Cloaths
and Linen for four shirts for the year 1780.
Commission of Letters of Marque and Reprisal issued Robert
Caulfield Commander of the Brig Duke of Lemster, one hundred and
thirty Tons Burthen navigated with forty five men, mounting sixteen
Carriage Guns and four swivels belonging to William Neill & Compy
of Baltimore.
January 20
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 33
[Council to Capt. Allan McLean of Lee's Legion.]
When the Treasury of Maryland will admit of it, you may rely on
our depositing such Sum of Money in the Hands of one of the Dele-
gates of our State in Congress, as you may engage to pay in Phila-
delphia in Virtue and by Authority of the Resolution of the Honor-
able General Assembly of the second of December last without putting
the Holders of Certificates to the Trouble and Expence of sending
hither for their Money. We hope this Assurance will have the Effect
you expect, of obviating every Difficulty which has occurred in carry-
ing the said Resolution into Execution, as we esteem it a Measure
very necessary.
January 20
Liber No. 78
p. 40
[Council to Mr. Thomas Donellan.]
General Gist has applied to this Board to have Rations of Mutton
sometimes issued to him, he says he frequently drew it in Camp. We
therefore shall be obliged to you to issue Mutton on his Order.
[Council to President of the Board of War.]
We are requested by the General Assembly to represent to the
Board over which you have the Honor to preside that Thos Hussey
Luckett first Lieutenant in the first Company, James Lingan second
Lieutenant in the ninth Company, Rezin Davis third Lieutenant in
the second Company and Elijah Evans third Lieutenant in the first
Company of Colonel Rawlings Regiment were made Prisoners of
War at Fort Washington in November 1776, and that during their
Captivity they were neglected in the general Arrangement of the
Officers of the Maryland Line which hath since taken place and have
also lost their Advancement in said Regiment in Consequence of
which officers of inferiour Rank to them in the Line and in that
p. 41