of the Council of Maryland. 241
Care of John Shaw and to deliver the whole of them to the Order
of the Governor and Council on or before the first Day of May next
and not less than fifty at any one time of Delivery and that he will
procure mounting and Ramrods for the said Muskets upon the most
reasonable terms. In Consideration whereof the Governor and
Council Agrees to pay to the said William Campbell seventeen shil-
lings and six pence in gold and silver or Current money at the
common Exchange at the Time of Payment for every musket
stocked, finished and Delivered in manner aforesaid and to advance
the said William Campbell all Sums of Money which he may engage
to pay for mounting and Ramrods.
In Virtue of the Act for enlarging the Powers of the Governor
and Council passed at November Session 1779 Permission is hereby
given to Captain Thomas Steel of the Brig Fox, Capt. James
Kiersted of the Schooner Nautilus and Captain Benjamin Weeks
December 11
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 13
of the Brig Cato to lade on board said Vessels Cargoes of Flour,
to be Exported for the purpose of procuring Cloathing and other
necessaries granted by the Act entitled An Act relating to the Officers
and soldiers of this State
p. 14
[Council to Colonel Samuel Smith.]
We wrote to you on the 9th Instant requesting you to transmit
us the first Opportunity the Names of the Vessel and Captain but
to prevent any Inconvenience or Detention of the Vessel, we have
enclosed you a Permit leaving a Blank for the Name of the Captain
&ca By yours of the 8th Instant we observe the Militia were then
on Duty, we wrote to General Buchanan the 5th Instant to discharge
them which we imagine has been done, we shall have no objection
to continue the Arms in the Hands of your Battalion, if you will be
answerable for their Return when called on
December 11
Liber No. 78
p. 14
p. 15
Tuesday 12th December 1780
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt Montjoy
Bayley of the Extra Regimt one hundred and two Pounds, five
shillings and one hundred and sixty five Pounds due him per Acct
passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Colo Edward Gaither one of the
Commrs for Ann Arundel County Two thousand and nine Pounds
to be accounted for
That the said Treasurer pay to John Chalmers one thousand three
hundred and fifty four pounds ten shilings due him per Account
passed by the D. Audr
That the said Treasurer pay to Richard Cowman Contractor for
Waggons and Teams for Ann Arundel County one hundred and
fifty Pounds of the new Emission on Account.
December 12
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 14