No date
Destroying by one Hasty Decisive Blow all the Rights and Privi-
ledges granted by the Policy of former times to the Proprietary and
Charter Governments who to the Protection and Security of their
Grants and Charters and the Privileges derived under the same
Stand Indebted for their present flourishing Condition to the Envy
of Foreign Nations and the great Honour benefit and advantage of
their Mother Country from whom They derive their present happy
Wherefore your Petitioner humbly Prays This Honourable House
to take the premisses into their Consideration and that he may be
heard by his Council against such parts of the said Bill as relate
to " the better Enforcing his Majestys Orders and Instructions
Throughout the said Colonies and Plantations " and that this Hon-
ourable House will make such Order in the premisses as to this
Honourable House in their great wisdom and Justice shall seem
New York 27th January 1745
U. H. J.
Liber No. 46
p. 547
[This letter
should have
been printed
at page 254]
Sir Pursuant to my Recommendation to the Council and Assem-
bly, to make Provision for the Appointment of Commissioners for
this Province, to treat with such Commissioners as are or shall be
appointed by the neighbouring Governments, upon concerting meas-
ures for our mutual Security, Defence and Conduct, during the
Present War; Committees of both Houses have conferred upon the
subject matter thereof, and requested me to appoint commissioners
for that Purpose, who are to make report of their Proceedings, with
their Opinions thereupon, that such measures may be taken jointly
with the several Governments, as shall be judged most expedient.
They have likewise desired me to represent to the several Govern-
ments upon the Continent, the wavering Disposition of the Indians,
and the fatal consequence which may arise to all the Colonies in
general, in case they should be withdrawn from their Fidelity and
Dependence upon the British Interest: Whereupon there seems to be
an absolute necessity for the Colonies uniting their Endeavours, at
all Events, to secure the Indians effectually in our Interest at this
critical Conjuncture, as the Enemy leave no Artifice untried to
seduce them, having many Iesuitical Emissaries constantly residing
amongst them; and should they at length prevail with them to re-
volt, the Frontiers of the respective Colonies, subject to his Majesty,
must lie open and exposed to the Insults of the French and Savages.
As a union of Councils from the several Governments will be the
most likely means of defeating the Designs of so barbarous an
Enemy, and advancing the common cause of his Majesty's Subjects
upon the Continent, I doubt not but you will think proper to com-
municate this Representation to your Council and Assembly, and