the Preamble, so they are the sole foundation on which this part of
the Bill is founded
That the said Bill has Blended together in one general view all
the British Colonies and Plantations in America without attending
to the Distinction between such Plantations as are under his Majes-
tys own immediate Commission and Government, and such Colonies
as have been Erected and Established by Royal Grants and Charters,
The Crown having in the former constantly reserved to themselves
the giving their Sanction and approbation to all Laws there Enacted,
and as they appointed the Governours, have always Issued their own
orders and Instructions to such Governors as They Thought fitting :
But in several of the latter, particularly in your Petitioners Province
of Maryland, the Crown have wholly divested themselves of the
Legislative powers and have therefore never Intermedled therewith
That the Proprietary Governments stand greatly distinguished
even from the Charter Governments for the Proprietary Lords by
their residence in England near his Majestys sacred person are al-
ways ready when called upon to Answer for the due Exercise of the
Power vested in them by the Royal Grants and have no Interest to
promote Independent of the True Interest of their Mother Country
where they have likewise a very Considerable share of property
That your Petitioner is advised That his Majesty's orders and
Instructions cannot by the Laws and Constitution of this Land be
made the Rule of Government in any of his Majestys British Domin-
ions, much less will this honourable House, as your Petitioner hum-
bly hopes, Lend their Assistance to the Enforcing such orders and
Instructions as shall be Transmitted under the Authority only of
the Crown to Limitt and Controll the Powers and Authoritys vested
in your Petitioner and the other Proprietary and Charter Governors
and in direct breach and violation of those Royal Charters and
That the negative given by the last Clause of the Bill to the Gov-
ernor or person acting as Governor for the time being is Inconsistent
with the said Charter or Grant to your Petitioners ancestor and is
a direct Invasion and Infringement of the rights vested by the said
Charter in your Petitioner the Proprietary
That your Petitioner begs leave to Express his hopes that this
Honourable House will not under the specious appearance of re-
dressing the Irregularities and Excesses of Government in some of
the Colonies and Plantations, overturn the Just Rights of others
granted and Confirmed to them by the Royal Grant, hitherto En-
joyed Inviolate, and to this day neither forfeited or having given
the least Cause of Offence
And your Petitioner further begs leave to Submit to the Consid-
eration of this Honourable House the Dangerous Consequences of
No date