682 Assembly Proceedings, December 22, 23, 1747.
U. H. J.
Liber No. 34
Col George Plater is sent to the Lower house to Acquaint the
Speaker that his Excellency requires his immediate attendance with
the Lower house in the Upper house
The Speaker and the Lower house attend and his Excellency is
pleased to make the following Speech
Gentlemen of the Lower house of Assembly
I wish with all my heart you could have thought of any way of
Answering his Majestys Expectations at this Time in Relation to
Our Own Levies agreeable to the Zeal you have hitherto shewn upon
the Like Occasions; but as you Represent it, impracticable for Us
to raise or Advance any further Sum for the Payment of the said
p. 219
Forces; nothing Remains for me to do, but to put an End to this
Gentlemen of both Houses I have therefore thought fit with the
Advice of his Lordships Council of State to Prorogue this Assembly
to the second Tuesday of May next, and you are to take Notice you
are Prorogued to that Day accordingly
Thus Ends this Convention of Assembly begun and held at the
City of Annapolis the 22d Day of December and Ending the 23d
Day of the same month in the 33d Year of his Lordships Dominion
and in the 21st vear of his Majestys Reign Annoq Domini 1747
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