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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 676   View pdf image (33K)
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6/6 Assembly Proceedings, December 22, 23, 1747.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 34

indispensable Duty to obey His Majestys Commands which I shall
Lay immediately before you
You will perceive by the Extract from the Duke of Newcastle's
Letter that his Majesty does not Expect any Money to be absolutely
given by this Province, but only to be raised as a present Supply for
Our own Levies; till such Time as the whole Expence of the Ameri-
can Troops can be laid before the Parliament of Great Britain, that
Provision may be made for the Payment thereof.
And indeed It seems Necessary for the Security of the American
Colonies in General, that all Possible Encouragement should be
Given to People to Enter into his Majestys Service for should the
French Prevail against those who are nearest to them the most Dis-
tant might soon feel the fatal Effects of such a Misfortune

p 212

This I make no Doubt you will take into your Serious Considera-
tion, and Give it all the Attention that an affair of so much Impor-
tance Requires.

Extract of a Letter from his Grace the Duke of Newcastle to Gover-
nor Shirley Dated Whitehall 30 May 1747

His Majesty has been pleased to direct me to Signify to you his
Pleasure that you should immediately appoint a meeting with Com-
modore Knowles at such Place as shall be agreed upon and Consider
with him the Present State of Nova Scotia & Louis Bourg and take
the Proper Measures for the Defence of those Places
It is his Majestys Pleasure that you should Endeavour to Com-
pleat from Out of the Americans which are now Raised for his
Majestys Service Sir William Pepperrells Regiment and Your Own
Lieutenant General Phillips Regiament, is, I am afraid very weak
I will however send him his Majestys Orders to send what Recruits
can be got from hence; And you will also endeavour to have his
Regiment Compleated out of the Americans.
As it is his Majestys Intention that the Americans should be im-
mediately Discharged Except only such few as are mentioned above
the Manner of Discharging them, the Satisfaction for their Time
&c must be left to Commodore Knowles and Yourself; the King
however is perswaded you will do it as Cheap as Possible
And as these American Troops have done Little or no Service
hitherto it is hoped they will not Expect to be Paid in the Manner
they would have been, had they Actually been employed on Service
but it seems highly Reasonable that such of the Troops as have
Remained in the Provinces where they were Inlisted should be Con-
tented with less pay than such of them as may have Marched into
other Provinces.
When You and Mr Knowles shall have met and fully Considered
the Service to be undertaken in the manner above Directed and

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 676   View pdf image (33K)
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