Manner he intended the said two Hundred Acres part of the said
Tract of land called Saint Patricks Hill should be Entailed on the
said Elizabeth and the Heirs of her Body for ever and on Default of
such issue then to his Daughter Mary and Her Heirs for ever And
Whereas the truth of the Facts Contained in the said Petition are
made to appear to this General Assembly Therefore Be it Enacted
by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and By the Authority
of the same that the said Thomas Hussey Luckett be and hereby is
Invested with an Absolute Estate in Fee simple of in and unto Two
Hundred Acres of Land part of a Tract of Land called Saint Patricks
Hill lying in Charles County and Formerly devised by Robert Price
of Charles County to Elizabeth and Mary his Daughters in Manner
aforesaid anything in the said Will or any Law Statute usage or
Custom to the Contrary Notwithstanding Saving to his Most Sacred
Majesty his Heirs and Successors to the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary his Heirs and Successors and to all Bodies Politick and
Corporate and all others not mentioned in this Act their several
and Respective Rights Provided the said Thomas Hussey Luckett
his Heirs or Assigns shall duly Convey unto the said Jeremiah
Adderton and Anne his Wife and the Heirs of the Body of the said
Anne forever and on Default of such issue to Mary the Daughter of
the said Robert Price and her Heirs for ever all that Tract or Parcell
of Land called Waidstones Enlargement Containing and Patented
for one Hundred Acres of Land by a firm and Sufficient Conveyance
in the Law with a General Warranty and shall also duly Convey
in the Manner and to the uses intents and Purposes aforesd all that
Tract or Parcell of Land being part of a Tract called Waidstone
according to the following Courses that is to say Beginning at a
Red Oak being the First Bound tree of the said Parcell of Land
called Waidstone running South South East one hundred and fifty
Perches to a Spanish Oak, then West South West fifty four Perches
then North West two Degrees, West one Hundred and Four Perches
then North West Twenty four Perches thence North North West
till it Strikes a Line drawn West North West from the Beginning
Measuring one Hundred & Twelve Acres by a firm and Sufficient
Conveyance in the Law with a General Warranty And Be it Enacted
by and with the Authority Advice & Consent aforesaid that the
said Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife and all Persons Claim-
ing under the Will of the said Robert Price be and are hereby Vested
with the same Estate in the said Tract or Parcel of Land called
Waidstones Enlargement and all that Part of the Tract called Waid-