Fee Simple in the said Land and to Entail a Tract or Parcell of
Land called Waidstones Enlargement and Part of a Tract of Land
called Waidstone lying in Charles County aforesaid in Lieu
Whereas Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jeremiah Adderton and Anne
his Wife have by their Petition to this General Assembly set forth
that on or about the Eighth Day of December in the Year of our
Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Fourteen a Certain Robert
Price late of Charles County deceased made his last Will and Tes-
tament in Writing and amongst other Devises and Bequests therein
Contained he made the following That is to say I give and Bequeath
as followeth This is to say two hundred Acres thereof I give unto
my Daughter Elizabeth and to the Heirs of her Body forever and
for and on Default of such issue then to my Daughter Mary which
God was Pleased to Bless me with by my second and Present Mar-
riage to Her and Her Heires forever And Whereas the Petitioners
have further set forth that Thomas Hussey Luckett aforesaid inter-
married with Elizabeth aforesaid mentioned in the Will of the said
Robert Price by whom he had issue Anne aforesaid Wife to the said
Jeremiah Adderton and that the said Elizabeth is since Dead And
Whereas the said Thomas Hussey Luckett is Possessed in fee Sim-
ple of Two Tracts or Parcells of Land lying in Charles County
aforesaid the one Tract called Waidstone's Enlargement Patented
for one Hundred Acres and the other being Part of a Tract of Land
called Waidstone measuring one Hundred & Twelve Acres accord-
ing to the Courses mentioned by the said Petitioners in their said
Petition which said two Tracts called Waidstone's Enlargement and
part of the Tract called Waidstone lye contigious to the Tract of
Land whereon the said Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife now
dwell and Contains a greater Quantity of Land and Consists of
much better and less Cultivated Land than the said Two hundred
Acres part of Saint Patricks Hill aforesaid and whereas the said
Thomas Hussey Luckett in the Petition aforesaid hath set forth
that he is Willing and Desirous to Exchange the said two Tracts or
Parcells of Land called Waidstones Enlargement and Part of the
Tract of Land called Waidstone for the Two Hundred Acres of
Land part of the said Tract of Land called Saint Patricks Hill pro-
vided the Entail made as aforesaid might be cut of and Whereas the
said Petitioners Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jeremiah Adderton &
Anne his Wife have Prayed the Leave of this General Assembly to
bring in a Bill to cut of the Entail of the said two Hundred Acres
of Land Part of the Tract of Land called Saint Patricks Hill lying
in Charles County aforesaid and that the said Thomas Hussey
Luckett may be invested with the same Estate therein as the said
Robert Price at the time of the Devise so as aforesaid made by him
was Invested with and that the said two Tracts or Parcells of Land