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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 637   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 637

any other or larger Fees than by this Act is limited and appointed,
under any pretence whatsoever, nor under any other denomination
than mentioned in this Act, unless the Consent and Approbation of
the General Assembly of this Province be first had and obtained:
And if any Officer or Officers, their Servants, Ministers or Clerks,
shall demand and take any other or larger Fee or Fees, than is
herein before mentioned, that then and in such case, they forfeit and
pay to the Party or Parties, from whom they shall demand and take
such extraordinary Fee or Fees, not only the Fee or Fees so charged
or taken, but also the Sum of Five thousand Pounds of Tobacco, to
be recovered in any Court of Record within this Province, by Ac-
tion of Debt, Action on the Case, Indictment or Information, wherein
no Essoyn, Protection, or Wager of Law, or more than one Impar-
lance, shall be allowed. And in case the Party grieved doth not
prosecute the Officer so offending, within six Months from the Time
of such Offence committed, that then and in such case any other
Person may prosecute for the same.

Session Laws

And be it further Enacted, That all Officers mentioned in this Act,
who shall enjoy any the Offices aforesaid, shall on or before the
Tenth Day of December which shall be in the Year Seventeen hun-
dred and forty-eight, take the following Oath, before some Provin-
cial or County Magistrate, who is hereby authorized and required
to administer the same, viz. You A. B. do Swear, that you will well,
faithfully and impartially, to the best of your skill and knowledge,
execute your Office, and that you will not willingly or wittingly,
charge, ask, take, exact or demand, any other or larger Fees for
doing your Duty in your Office, than is mentioned in the Act enti-

tuled, An Act for amending- the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing

Frauds in his Majesty's Customs, and for the Limitation of Officers
Fees, now in force. And as often as any Person or Persons shall be
appointed for said Office or Offices, they shall take the said Oath
prior to their receiving any of the Profits of any such Office or

Officers to
be Sworn
The Oath

And be it further Enacted, That Accounts of all Officer's Fees
in this Act mentioned, shall be made out and drawn in a fair and clear
manner, and in Words at length; and whenever any Person or Per-
sons interested in them, or to whom the same shall be charged, shall
desire a Copy of such Account, the several Officers shall, and are

Fees to be
Charged at

hereby required to give such Person so applying therefore, in as
short a Time as may be convenient, an Account of such Charge in
Words at length: And that all Under-Clerks and Deputies, Writing
in any the Offices aforesaid, or doing Service in them, shall, by the
Time aforesaid, or before they enter into any the Services aforesaid,
before some Provincial or County Magistrate, (who is hereby au-

p. 37

thorized and required to administer the same) take the following
Oath, viz. You A. B. do Swear, that you will not for Lucre or
Malice delay any Person or Persons applying to you for any Busi-

The Oath

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 637   View pdf image (33K)
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