636 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
Session Laws
Cryer's Fees in the County
Swearing every Jury,
Swearing every Bailiff,
Every Oath,
For Special Bail,
4 3 4ths
20 3 4th
For Good Behaviour,
Clearing every Prisoner by Proc-
lamation or Acquittal,
1 4th
And whereas, for want of an enlargement of the Jurisdiction of
the several Deputy-Commissaries within this Province, and their
being enabled to pass Accounts where the amount of the Estate
exceeds the Sum of Fifty Pounds Current Money, many of the In-
habitants are put to great inconveniencies and expence, either by
being obliged to repair to the Commissary-General for the Passing
of such Accounts where the Estate as aforesaid exceeds the Sum
of Fifty Pounds Current Money, or for obtaining special Commis-
sions from the Commissary-General, directed to the several Deputy-
Commissaries, enabling them so to do: For prevention of which
p. 36
To Pass Ac-
counts of
150 l.
Be it Enacted, That the Deputy-Commissaries within this Prov-
ince, in their respective Counties, shall be, and by virtue of this Act
they are, hereby authorized and impowered, to pass any Accounts
of the Estates of deceased Persons without any special Commission
from the Commissary-General, where the amount of the Inventory
of such Deceased's Estate, does not exceed the Sum of One hundred
and fifty Pounds Current Money.
under 30 l.
And whereas Pauper Estates by former Laws of this Province,
do not exceed Ten Pounds Current Money; Be it also Enacted, That
during the continuance of this Act, all Estates not exceeding Thirty
Pounds Current Money, shall be deemed Pauper Estates, and that
in such case there shall be no larger or other Fees taken by any
Deputy-Commissary than is by a former Act settled as to Pauper
Estates not exceeding Ten Pounds, nor any Fees at all by the Com-
And whereas it is greatly complained of to this present General
Assembly, that in many or all the Courts of this Province, the Clerks
and Registers of such Courts greatly multiply Fees, by entering
Fees not to
be charged
unnecessary Motions, Petitions and Orders; Be it therefore Enacted
by the Authority aforesaid, That in all Cases Civil and Criminal,
wherever any Motions are made, or Petitions tendered for any
Order, no Entry shall be made of them, nor any Charge either for
Motion, Petition or Order, unless it shall be particularly required
by some Party to the matter, over and above the Sum allowed by
this Act to be charged; and that then and in such case only, the
Party at whose request such entry of Motion, Petition or Order,
shall be made, shall be charged therewith, and liable therefore, in
Fees not
allowed by
this Act, to
pay 5000 lb.
such manner as by this Act is directed, and that the adverse Party
shall not be liable for the Cost of such entry of Motion, Petition or
Order, over and above the Sum allowed by this Act to be charged.
And be it further Enacted, That no Officer or Officers, their
Clerks, Ministers, or Servants, in this Act mentioned, shall charge