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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 629   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 629

and Meaning of this Act, deducting from such Debts one fourth
Part of the Demands as aforesaid, in case the Creditor be paid in
inspected Tobacco.


And whereas, the Time limited for superseding Executions is now
to the tenth Day of February, and that it cannot be expected that
the Warehouses directed by this Act can be built, so as to receive
Tobacco; nor that Debtors can have their Tobacco ready to be in-
spected by that Time; for the first Year this Act takes place: Be it
therefore Enacted, That where any Judgment or Judgments shall
be for Tobacco, and shall be superseded after the tenth Day of May,
One thousand seven hundred and forty-eight, no Execution or
Executions shall issue on any such Judgment or Judgments 'til after
the first Day of May, One thousand seven hundred and forty-nine.

limited for

And whereas, by the Difficulties attending our Trade, occasioned
through Means of War, our own Export to, as well as the Impor-
tation of European Goods from, our Mother Country Great-Britain,
has of late been greatly impeded, whereby the Wants and Necessi-
ties of many People have put them on sowing Flax and Hemp, and
manufacturing the same, as well as raising other Materials for
supplying their Need: And whereas, the excessive Quantity of To-
bacco made, may in some measure depreciate that Branch of Trade :
In order, therefore, to encourage the laudable End of manufacturing
Hemp, Flax, and other proper Materials for the necessary Cloathing
and Use of his Majesty's Subjects within this Province, and to
divert Part of the People from labouring in Tobacco, Be it Enacted
by the Authority, Advice, and Consent aforesaid, That from and
after the End of this Session of Assembly, it shall and may be law-
ful for any Person or Persons, not making Tobacco by themselves,
Servants, or Slaves, within this Province, to pay, at or before the
tenth Day of April, yearly, or as the Business or Services they may
want in any of the Offices shall be done during the Continuance of
this Act, as well the Poll-Tax due to the Clergy, as all Lawyers and
Officers Fees, and Assessments for building or repairing Churches,
in the Current Money of this Province, rating Tobacco at twelve
Shillings and six Pence Current Money per hundred Pounds, and
so in Proportion for a greater or lesser Quantity; and that such
Payment, or Tender thereof and Refusal, shall be a full Satisfaction
and Discharge for the same, tho' charged in Tobacco; any Law,
Statute, Usage, or Custom, or any Thing in this Act contained to

ment for
and manu-
Flax and

the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding.
Provided always, That every Person or Persons allowed by this
Act to pay Money instead of Tobacco due as aforesaid, shall make
Oath, or Affirmation if a Quaker, That he doth not, by himself or
Children, Servants, or Slaves, make any Tobacco for Sale.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That all
the Penalties and Forfeitures in this Act mentioned, and not herein

p. 31
and For-
feitures in
this Act,
how to be
and dis-
posed of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 629   View pdf image (33K)
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