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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 624   View pdf image (33K)
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624 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.

Session Laws
p. 27

Conscience, without Fear, Favour, Affection, Malice, or Partiality :
Which said three Justices, so sworn, are hereby directed, impow-
ered, and required, upon such Application, to repair to the Ware-
house where such Tobacco shall be offered or tendered in Payment,
and carefully to view and examine the same, in such Manner as they
shall think fit: And if any two of them shall adjudge the Tobacco
so tendered in Payment, to be bad, unsound, or unmerchantable, to
cause the same to be immediately burnt. And for their Trouble, the
said three Justices, who shall be present at such View, shall be paid
by the Inspector or Inspectors, who offered the same in Payment,
five Shillings each. And if the said Justices, or any two of them,
shall adjudge the Tobacco, so tendered or offered in Payment, to be
good, sound, and merchantable, according to the Directions of this
Act, the said Justices so attending, shall be paid by the Party de-
siring such View five Shillings as aforesaid. And when any Tobacco
shall be tendered or offered in Payment by any Inspector, and re-
fused, the said Inspectors shall not be at Liberty to tender or offer
in Payment, nor the Person demanding the same to receive, any
Tobacco in lieu thereof, before such Tobacco shall have been viewed
as aforesaid; but the Person refusing shall immediately mark the
same. And if any Inspector shall offer or tender in Payment any
Tobacco, in lieu of the Tobacco so refused, before the same shall
have been viewed as aforesaid, or shall not produce the same To-
bacco so refused, to the said Justices, in either Case, it shall be
taken for a Conviction, that the Tobacco first tendered in Payment,
was bad, unsound, and unmerchantable: And moreover, the said
Inspectors shall forfeit and pay ten Pounds for every such Offence.
And if the Person, who shall refuse any Hogshead of Tobacco as
aforesaid, shall accept and receive another Hogshead of Tobacco,
in lieu of that refused, before such Hogshead so refused shall be
viewed as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay ten Pounds for every

What is to
be done by
the Owner
of Tobacco
refused to
be passed by
the Inspec-
tors, &c.

And when any prized Tobacco shall be brought to any public
Warehouse, in order to be shipped on Freight, and the Inspectors
there attending shall refuse to pass such Tobacco, unless such as shall
be bad and unmerchantable be picked and separated from the rest;
in such Case, the said Inspectors shall permit the Owner, or other
Person bringing such Tobacco, to make use of one or more of their
Prizes, for the repacking and prizing such Tobacco. And if there
shall be several Hogsheads of Tobacco, belonging to several Owners,
to be picked, repacked, and prized, at any public Warehouse, the
Owner, or other Person bringing the same, whose Tobacco shall be
first viewed and refused, shall be first permitted and allowed to make
use of such Prize or Prizes; and the same Rule shall be observed in
the prizing all Tobacco which shall be picked, repacked, and prized
as aforesaid. And for all Tobacco repacked, and prized, by the
Owner thereof, or the Servants and Slaves to him belonging, there

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 624   View pdf image (33K)
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