Acts. 623
or any other Person, buy or receive by way of Barter, Loan, or Ex-
change, any Tobacco whatsoever, under the Penalty of forfeiting
thirty Shillings for every hundred Pounds of Tobacco so bought or
received, and so proportionally for a less Quantity.
Session Laws
Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall be con-
strued to hinder any Inspector from receiving his own proper Debts
or Rents in Tobacco, which shall be first viewed, examined, and
stamped, according to the Directions of this Act.
And, for the further and better Direction of the Inspectors afore-
said in their Duty, Be it Enacted, That no Inspector shall take,
accept, or receive, directly or indirectly, any Gratuity, Fee, or Re-
ward, for any Thing by him to be done in Pursuance of this Act,
other than his Salary, and the other Payments and Allowances
herein before mentioned and expressed. And if any Inspector shall
take, accept, or receive any such Gratuity, Fee, or Reward, every
not to ac-
cept of any
Fee, or
such Inspector, being thereof convicted, shall forfeit and pay fifty
Pounds Current Money; to be recovered with Costs, by any Person
or Persons who shall inform, or sue for the same, by Action of Debt,
Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record within this
Province: And moreover shall be disabled from holding the Place
or Office of an Inspector, or any other Office, during the Continu-
ance of this Act. And if any Person or Persons shall offer any
Bribe, Reward, or Gratuity, to any Inspector, for any Thing by him
to be done in Pursuance of this Act, other than the Fees and Allow-
ances herein before mentioned and appointed; every Person so of-
fending, and being thereof convicted, shall, for every such Offence,
No Person
to offer
any Bribe or
forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds Current Money, to be re-
covered, in any Court of Record within this Province; to the Uses
in this Act hereafter mentioned.
And be it further Enacted, That when any Person shall be inti-
tled to receive a Hogshead of Tobacco, by Virtue of any Inspectors
Notes or Receipts, the Inspectors shall be obliged to open the Hogs-
head, and shew such Tobacco to the Person demanding the same, if
required, whether such Tobacco be Crop or Transfer: And if such
Person shall refuse to accept of the Tobacco offered or tendered in
Payment, as bad, unsound, and unmerchantable; such Person so
refusing, and not accepting thereof, shall make immediate Appli-
cation to any three Justices, near, or nearest to the Warehouse at
which the Tobacco so refused shall be offered or tendered in Pay-
ment, who are no ways related to the Parties, nor concerned in In-
terest; and the said Justices shall take an Oath before some Justice
of the said County (which Oath such Justice is hereby impowered
and required to administer), carefully to view and examine the said
Tobacco, and to the best of their Skill and Judgment, not to pass
any Tobacco that is not sound, well-conditioned, merchantable, and
clear of Trash, according to the Directions of this Act; and that
they will therein do their Duty, according to their Judgment and
the Quality
of Tobacco
of Inspec-
tors to be
decided by
3 County