Acts. 621
Limits of the said Province or Counties, as now settled by Inhabi-
tants, or to any other Ports or Places whatsoever, out of this Prov-
Session Laws
ince; and also for the better preventing the Exportation of Tobacco
in Bulk or Parcels; Be it further Enacted by the Authority afore-
said, That no Tobacco whatsoever, of the Growth or Production of
this Province, shall, during the Continuance of this Act, be trans-
ported or carried either into the said Colony of Virginia, or the
Province of Pennsylvania, or the three Lower Counties upon Dela-
ware, called Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex, or the reputed Limits of
the said Province, or Counties, as now settled by Inhabitants, or
to any other Ports or Places whatsoever out of this Province, either
by Land or Water, until the same hath been first viewed, examined,
and stamped, at one or other of the Warehouses appointed, or to be
appointed, in Pursuance of this Act; nor until due Entry thereof
shall be made with the Officers of the Customs, in the District
wherein the Owner of the said Tobacco shall reside, and a Permit
obtained from them for that Purpose. And if any Person or Persons
shall presume to carry or transport, or cause to be carried or trans-
ported, any Tobacco not inspected and stamped, or without having
obtained such Permit as aforesaid, to the said Colony of Virginia,
or the Province of Pennsylvania, or the three Lower Counties upon
Delaware, called Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex, or the reputed Limits
of the said Province, or Counties, as now settled by Inhabitants, or
to any other Ports or Places whatsoever out of this Province, he or
they so offending shall forfeit and pay five Pounds for every Hogs-
head, Cask, or Case of Tobacco, and twenty Shillings for every
hundred Pounds of Tobacco in Bulk or Parcel, so transported or
carried out, contrary to the Directions of this Act.
p. 25
And be it further Enacted, That all Sheriffs, Under-Sheriffs, and
Constables, who shall be in Office on the first Day of December next,
shall, at the first Court to be held for their respective Counties after
the said first Day of December, take an Oath, That if they shall at
any Time know, or be credibly informed, or have good Reason to
suspect, that any Tobacco is pressed or packed in any Cask, Case,
Chest, or other Package whatsoever; or any Tobacco is put on board
any Boat or Vessel, in order to be shipped off without being in-
spected; or that any Tobacco is carrying or carried out of this Prov-
ince, either by Land or Water, into the Colony of Virginia, or the
Province of Pennsylvania, or the three Lower Counties on Dela-
ware, called Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex, or the reputed Limits of
the said Province, or Counties, as now settled by Inhabitants, or to
any other Ports or Places whatsoever out of this Province, without
a Permit for so doing; they will forthwith make Information, and
a particular Discovery thereof, to the next Justice of the Peace of
the County where such Tobacco shall be. And that all Sheriffs and
Under-Sheriffs respectively, which shall, after the said first Day of
December, be appointed or sworn into the said Offices, shall, at the
Duty of
and Con-
stables, in
such Expor-