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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 620   View pdf image (33K)
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620 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.

Session Laws
Losses by
Fire in
to be made
good to the

And be it further Enacted, That if any of the Warehouses herein
before mentioned shall happen to be burnt, the Loss sustained thereby
shall be made good, and repaired to the several Persons injured, by
the General Assembly at the next Sessions after such Loss; and in
case of such Accident, no Inspectors shall be sued or molested, for
or by reason of any Promissary Notes or Receipts, by them given
for any Tobacco burnt in the said Warehouse, but shall be altogether
acquitted and discharged of and from the Payment of the Tobacco
in such Note or Receipts mentioned; any Thing before to the con-
trary notwithstanding.

Clerks to
record the
of the

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Clerk of each County within this Province do and shall provide a
well-bound or stitched Book, to have recorded therein all their Pro-
ceedings relating to this Act; and that it be the Duty of the Clerk
of the County Court, for the Time being, to attend them on all
Occasions relating to the Act, and that he be qualified by Oath be-
fore some Magistrate, to keep fair and just Entries of the Proceed-
ings of the said Justices, and do all other necessary Services in
relation to this Act, that shall be required of him by the Justices
aforesaid; for all which Services he shall annually be allowed, out
of the Profits arising by Virtue of this Act, a Sum not exceeding
seven Pounds Current Money.

Lands men-
tioned in
this Act to
be surveyed

And as it may be necessary for the Justices to have the Lands
mentioned in this Act surveyed, butted, and bounded, they are hereby
required and directed to employ the Surveyor of the County, or
some other skilful Person, to do such Service; for which the Sur-
veyor, or such other Person, shall be allowed for each Warehouse-
Land he shall lay out, butt, and bound with one good Post, in the
County Levy, the Sum of ten Shillings Current Money.

Justices to
all Com-

And for the better detecting of Inspectors who shall not do their
Duty, Be it Enacted, That the Justices of the County Court shall
hear and determine all Complaints against them; and if they shall
find them deficient in their Duty, they shall remove any such Inspec-
tor or Inspectors, and their Proceedings shall be in a summary Way ;
and if they adjudge any Inspector or Inspectors to be removed,
the said Justices in such Case shall, with all convenient Speed, notify
the same to the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being.
Provided always, that the Inspector or Inspectors to be complained
against, be summoned to appear, and make his or their Defence;
but in case he or they will not appear, his Non-appearance shall be
taken for a Confession, without some reasonable Excuse be given
for the same.

on Clandes-
tine Expor-
tation of
bad Tobacco

And, for preventing the clandestine Transportation of bad and
unmerchantable Tobacco from this Province into the Colony of Vir-
ginia, or the Province of Pennsylvania, or the three Lower Counties
on Delaware, called Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex, or the reputed

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 620   View pdf image (33K)
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