and Assigns to each other, in the penal Sum of Two Thousand
pounds Sterling. In witness whereof, we have hereunto interchange-
ably Set our Hands and Seals, this 23d Day of April 1746.
Signed Geo: Plater -O- Onorio Razolini -O-
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Tho: Williamson Law. Maynard
All which is humbly [referred] to the Consideration of the Hon-
ourable House Signed per Order Wm Wilkins, Clerk
On Reading the Report aforesaid, Leave is given to the petition-
ers to bring in a Bill according to prayer
The following Address; viz.
To his Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Cover, of Maryland ;
The Humble Address of the House of Delegates of the said
May it please your Excellency,
We beg leave to observe, that in the year 1744, there was by the
then Governor, and his Lordship's Council of State assessed on the
Taxable Inhabitants of this province, the Quantity of one pound of
Liber No. 46
Tobacco per poll, under Colour of the Act of Assembly formerly
subsisting, entituled, an Act for the Ordering and Regulating the
Militia of this province, for the better Defence and Security thereof ;
which said Sum was accordingly levied. We therefore humbly pray
that your Excellency will please to cause an Account of the Appli-
cation thereof to be laid before this House
Was brought in ingrossed, and was read and assented to, and
Signed, by Order of the House, by the Honourable Speaker.
Col. Hooper and Mr Dulany were sent to acquaint his Excellency,
this House hath prepared an Address to him, and desires to know
when and where he will please to Receive it. They return, and ac-
quaint Mr Speaker, they deliver'd their Message, and that the Gover-
nor was pleased to signify, he was ready to receive the Address im-
mediately in the Conference Chamber.
Col. Hooper and Mr Dulany were Ordered to present the Address
The Governor Communicates to Mr Speaker the following An-
swer to the Address of this House, viz.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly.
I Have enquired into the Subject matter of your address, in Rela-
tion to the one pound of Tobacco per poll, assessed upon the Taxable
Inhabitants of this province, by the Governor and Council, in the
year 1744, by virtue of the Act of Assembly for Regulating our
Militia, and understand that the said Tobacco was intended to sat-
isfy the Charged incurred by the Indian Conspiracy; but tho' it has
been Levied, it has not been applied; so lies ready to be disposed of
as the Legislature shall think proper. Sam. Ogle
p. 705