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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 527

Post Meridiem

The House met according to Adjournment.
Ordered, That the Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of Prince
Georges County, relating to the Division of the said County &c. be
heard at the Bar of this House on Tuesday next
Col. Hooper from the Committee of Aggrievances delivers to Mr
Speaker the following Report, viz.
By the Committee of Aggrievances and Courts of Justice, June 5.

In -pursuance of the Order of Reference, of your Honourable
House, in Relation to the petition of the Rev. Mr Thomas Chase,
Rector of St Paul's parish, in Baltimore County, your Committee
have procured a view of the Bond, passed by the said Chase, to
Mrs Jeanette Bourdillion for Twenty six Thousand pounds of To-
bacco, upon which a Judgment hath been rendered in the County
and provincial Courts, and Execution thereupon Issued, and for
which your Committee are informed the said Chase is now Con-

L. H. J.

Liber No. 46

fined in prison, and has been for some time past, according to the
Tenor of the said petition; a Copy of which Bond is hereunto an-
nexed (marked No 1 ) . Thomas Bladen Esqr late Governor of this
Province, was pleased to send to your Committee, the Deposition
made by him hereunto Annexed (marked No 2) to which, and the
Depositions of Edmund Jenings Esqr his Lordships Secretary of
State and John Raitt, subscribing Evidences to the said Bond, here-
unto annexed (marked 3 and 4) your Committee pray leave to refer
It appears to your Committee by the said Depositions, that the said
Bond was taken before the Induction of the said Chase, into the said
St. Paul's parish; and that the said Bond was a Consideration for
such Induction, and the taking thereof justified by the said Thomas
Bladen Esqr and his Lordship's Secretary, who was of Council (as
he declares) with him on the occasion. Your Committee humbly
presume to represent to your Honourable House, That by an Act
of Assembly of this Province, entituled An Act for the establishment
of Religious Worship in this province, according to the Church of
England; and for the maintenance of Ministers, provision is made
for faithful and Able Ministers, labouring in the work of the Gospel
to come and Reside in this Province, by a Tax on the People, ane
Inhabitants thereof, and payable to the Minister of each respective
parish, presented, Inducted, or appointed by the Governor or Com-
mander in Chief for the Time being; That the people of this prov-
ince, His Majesty's Leige Subjects, are the ffounders and Endower:
of all the Churches within the same; and that the aforesaid implied
power of presentation and Induction, is at most but a Trust.
That the Sale of such presentations or Inductions, is a Discour-
agement to learned and faithful able Clergyman, to come into, or

p. 698

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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