being, are moulter'd and Decayed; and that there is a Crack in the
wall of the said House from the Bottom almost to the Top, in the
North-East Corner thereof: That there is Round the outside of the
said House a Quantity of Portland Stone, Bremen Stone, several
Casks of Stucco, and some wrought Country Stone; That within
the Cellars of the said House there is a large Quantity of Shingles,
which appear to lie on the bare Ground; and likewise some marble
stone and Bremen Stone lying on the damp Ground, which last
appear much Decayed: That there is a large Quantity of plank and
scantling lying in great Danger of being spoiled, occasioned by the
Rains coming through the Roof of the House; and that part of the
sommers of the said House appears to be upon the Decay, Jews-Ears
growing now out of the sides thereof.
All which is humbly Submitted to the Consideration of your
Honourable House Signed per Order, Wm Wilkins Clerk.
On Reading the aforesaid Report, the House unanimously con-
curs therewith; and the Question being put whether it .shall be en-
tered on the Journal as the Resolve of this House, That Thomas
Bladen Esqr hath not complied with the Directions of the Act enti-
tuled, An Act to enable his Excellency Thomas Bladen Esqr or the
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
stone has
not been
Governor for the time being to purchase four acres of Land within
the fence of the City of Annapolis &c. or not? Resolved in the
For the Affirmative.
Mr Mills Mr Lloyd Mr Wootton
Harris Hooper Stoddert
Henry Hall Ennals Addison
Carroll Lecompte T. Hammond
Worthington Sulivane Tilghman
Smith Hyland Hopper
Smallwood Pearce Robins
Harrison Bayard
N. Goldsborough Buchanan
For the Negative
Mr Key Mr R. Gresham Mr Scarborough
Bond P. Hammond Dashiel
I. Gresham King
On Reading the Account of Thomas Bladen Esqr against the
public, for purchasing of Land whereon to Build an House for the
Residence of a Governor, and for Materials for Building &c the
same is unanimously disallowed
Resolved, That Thomas Bladen Esqr hath not complied with the
Directions of the Act entituled, An Act to enable his Excellency
Thomas Bladen Esqr or the Governor for the Time being, to pur-
p. 697