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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 510   View pdf image (33K)
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510 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.

Liber No. 46

Col Tasker, from the Upper House, deliver Mr Speaker a Peti-
tion of Sundry Inhabitants of Kent County relating to the Staple
of Tobacco Indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly: Re-
ferred to the Consideration of the Lower House "
The following Message (See page 457)
Sent by Mr Sheredine and Col. Henry
Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms attending this House, send
for Mr Bond, Mr Mills, Mr Smallwood, Mr Courts, Mr Wilkinson,
Col. Hooper, Capt. Ennalls, Members of this House, to attend the
Call of the House on Monday next, being the 25th Instant.
Mr Hammond, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr
Speaker the following address Ingrossed viz.
To his Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor of Maryland

The humble Address of the House of Delegates of the said prov-

May it please your Excellency
The preservation of the Rights of his Majesty's Subjects, his
Lordships Tenants within this province obliges us to Represent to
your Excellency, that, contrary to Law, Mr James Richards, an
Alien, born out of the Realm of Great Britain, hath been appointed
and Commissioned, and still continues, Sheriff of the County of
Baltimore, as appears by the Report of a Committee of this House
hereunto annexed; to which we pray leave to refer you and we
humbly hope that your Excellency, on due Consideration thereof,
will act therein according to the Right of the Subject, and known
Laws of the Land.
Which was Read and Assented to, and, on behalf of the House,
signed by the Honourable Speaker.
Dr Buchanan, and Col. Hall were sent to acquaint the Governor
this House hath prepared an address to him, and desires to know
when and where he will please to receive it, They return and ac-
quaint Mr Speaker, the Governor will Receive the address imme-
diately in the Conference Chamber
Dr Buchanan, and five more, were Ordered to present the Address
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock

Post Meridiem
The House met according to Adjournment
Mr Lecompte and Mr Sullivane appeared in the House
Dr Carroll one of the Agents appointed by an Act entitled an Act
for Issuing and paying out of the Office of the Commissioners or
Trustees for emitting Bills of Credit, established by an Act of
Assembly, the sum of Nine Hundred pounds Currant money, in

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 510   View pdf image (33K)
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