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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 504   View pdf image (33K)
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504 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.

Liber No. 34

Great Seal at Arms and Subscribing them on behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province I will this Be
a Law
After which his Excellency was pleased to Conclude this Session
with the following Speech.

Gentlemen of the Upper & Lower house of Assembly
I cannot take my Leave of you at this time without Expressing
my Satisfaction, at the Harmony and Good agreement that has
Subsisted Between the several Branches of the Legislature During
the Lung Session of Assembly; and I flatter myself that our pro-
ceedings will meet with the approbation of every man of sence and
Candour who is a well wisher to the Happyness of his Country

Gentlemen of the Lower house
I think my self Obliged to Return you Particularly my thanks for
the Regard you have shewn to myself; and as I have the pleasure
to think you are fully Perswaded of my Inclination for your well-
fare I make no Doubt of the Continuance of Your good Opinion of
me as I have in Reality nothing more at heart than to be Instru-
mental in Advancing the Trade Riches and Prosperity of the
Gentlemen The Business of this Session being at an End I have
with the Advise of his Lordships Council of State thought fit to
Prorogue this Assembly to the first Tuesday in October next and
you are to take notice you are Prorogued to that Day accordingly

p. 210

Thus Ends this Session of Assembly begun and held at the City
of Annapolis the Sixteenth Day of May and Ending the 11th Day
of July following in the thirty third year of his Lordships Domin-
ion and in the Twenty first year of his Majestys Reign Annoq
Domini 1747 J Ross Cl.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 504   View pdf image (33K)
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