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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 497   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 497

Particulars of Office Expencies Referred to in the
above Account

Richard Dorsey for Cleaning the office &c 14: 00: 0
Ditto for fire wood and other necessarys 2...06.. 0

Stephen West junior for two Rheams of

| 3: 00..0

Edmund Jenings Esqre for advice 5..00..0
James Richard for thre Rheams of Paper 6: 00..0

U. H. J.
Liber No. 34

£30: 06: o

Memdm money appropriated for Calvert, Talbot
and Cecil Counties Goals but not issued or | 1500..00.. 0
Remains unappropriated of the afd 89990 3179..00.. 7 1/2

The following Message is sent to the Lower house with the Bill
for Dividing Prince Georges County; by Daniel Dulany Esqre
By the Upper house of Assembly, 11 July 1747
Gentlemen We cannot agree to the amendment you Propose
because we are apprehensive that it would be Inconvenient to the
very People whom the Legislature Intends to favour and Indulge;
for should the Time be Limited as you Propose it may Possibly
happen that his Lordship may not Receive the Bills time Enough
to Consider it and Intimate his dessent to it in Cace he shall think
fit to dissent before some Progress in Carrying it into Execution
which would be attended with the Ill Consequences mentioned in
our former Message; Whereas if it be Left in the manner we have
Proposed; an oppertunity may Possibly happen for his Lordship
to Signifie his Pleasure in so short a Time; that the Court house
and Prison may be Built before December 1748, and the People
Receive the Advantage Designed them Long before that Time which
we hope You will Consider, and that you will agree to the amend-
ment as Proposed by this house
Signed p Order John Ross ClUp. H.

Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act to prevent the
Sale of any the Parishes within this Province, and the Bill Enti-
tuled an Act for issuing writts of Replevin out of the County Courts
of this Province and will not Pass; and sent to the Lower house by
Col Lloyd.
Read the second Time the Bill Entituled an Act reviving an Act
Entituled an Act for the speedy and Effectual Publication of the
Laws of this Province, and for the Encouragement of Jonas Green
of the City of Annapolis Printer, and to other Purposes therein
mentioned; Passed and Sent to the Lower house by Col Hammond

p. 202

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 497   View pdf image (33K)
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