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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 495   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 495

Your Committee Observe that £200: 0: 10 3/4 Part of the Sum
of 497: 8.. 6 mentioned in the Account hereunto annexed to have
been Paid into the Office by the Treasurers in Virtue of an Act of
Assembly made in the Year 1737 ought to have been applyed to the
Replacing the money taken Out of the Office in the Year Seventeen
hundred and forty One by Virtue of an Act of Assembly then
Passed in favour of Charles Sewall Esqr The money taken Out by
the Act of 1734 and the aforesaid Act of 1737 being fully Placed
exclusive of the 200: 00: 10 3/4 and that the Commissioners have
since the Closing the Books applyed the said £200: 00: 10 3/4 towards
the Replacing the money taken Out by the said Act of 1741

Your Committee further Observe that the Commissionrs have
Produced to us a Letter from Messrs Samuel Hyde & William Hunt
Dated the 21 March 1746 in which is Contained the following
Paragraph Viz.

The other Relating to the Resolution of Your Assembly Concern-
ing Testimonials from the Bank of England, We shall when we send
Our next Accounts send therewith as Satisfactory Testimonials as
the Governors & Directions thereof shall Grant

All which is Submitted to the Consideration of Both houses of
Assembly this 1 1 Day of July 1742

John Stoddert Samuel Chamberlain John Henry
Abraham Barnes Thomas Sheredine

U. H. J.
Liber No. 34

Memorandum Since the Closing the Books Several Sheriffs have
Paid in Money and Returned Lists of Insolvencies in Discharge of
the Ballance mentioned in this Report viz.

p. 200

Thomas Muir late Sheriff of Dorchester County for | £10..09..10

Ordinary Licencies
Jacob Hindman Sheriff of Talbot County for Ditto 7.. 2.. 6
John Smith Sheriff of Cecil County for Ditto 33.. 5.. 0

Gilbert Ireland Sheriff of Saint Marys County for | 16..12.. 6

Samuel Hanson Sheriff of Charles County for Ditto 26.. 2.. 6
William Harris Late Sheriff of Kent County for Ditto 2.. 7.. 6
Ditto for Publick assesment 4.. 19.. 0
James Martain Late Sheriff of Worcester County for |
Ordinary Licencies 59..7..6
Samuel Smith Late Sheriff of Ann Arundel County a
List of Insolvencies amounting to
John Smith Sheriff of Cecil County Ditto 10..00.. 0
Dr The Office for Emitting the Paper Money of Maryland from
the 10th day of July 1745 to the 10 Day of April Inclusive

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 495   View pdf image (33K)
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